Theres a reason why younger men are starting to grativate towards - TopicsExpress


Theres a reason why younger men are starting to grativate towards older women...theres a reason why an attractive, successful or classy middle aged woman now turns more heads than your scantily dressed 20 something year old. Theres a reason why 40 feels like the new 30 and 60 feels like the new 40. And its all because women are starting to grow into their own skin after their 30s. They know who they are, they dont put up with shit, they brush off excuses, laugh off most things, learn to not takes things so personally, realize the world is truly their stage, most have come out of BS relationships, raised amazing kids, fought hard for their positions, learn to stand on their own two feet-often times balancing on just one, not under some misguided idea of love and relationships, know the truth about life, understand loyalty and commitment are more important than feeling in love, know what a true friend looks like at this point and understands their actual value, has learned to pick and choose her battles more wisely, knows its okay to wear yoga pants all day long (even if she has no intention of doing yoga), can still rock a little black dress like no ones business, knows when to take charge and when to sit in the back seat and doesnt feel inferior to other strong willed individuals, and above all things...knows when she looks at herself in the mirror that shes looking at an imperfectly amazing, beautiful, incredible human being...damn youre so lucky to be you. You made it through all of that crap...and look at you now. NICELY DONE! Thats what a woman, thats got her shit together, after 40, thinks!
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 17:43:17 +0000

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