Theres a scripture in the bible when God says to trust him with - TopicsExpress


Theres a scripture in the bible when God says to trust him with all your heart and just believe... “Trust me in this, and see how I will pour out a blessing onto your heart, so much that you will not be able to take it Remember that ΗΛΙΑΣ ΒΡΕΤΤΟΣ-ΜΕΤΡΑ ΤΑ ΑΣΤΕΡΙΑ song I wrote about the other day? The one I felt God was singing to my heart when I was sad? Well, today, when I met my sister, she had the same song to show me. I had the same song to show her! We had both brought the same song, both feeling strongly that God wanted us to hear it from Him for each other. Is that a confirmation or what?? Loosely translated in English, some of lyrics, Just wait here and see, just how great it’s gonna be, how I’m going to come, and fix your day, I’ll have you flying in the sky, your spirit soaring high, Count the stars up on high, to see how in the thousands is my love, for you Then count the grains of sand below to know all the thousand lives I’ll live beside you Look at the stars up on high, I’ll give you wings so we can fly, far away Away from the troubles and the fears, far from all the troubles and the tears Just you and me Then I get over 50 plus well wishes for my birthday, from you precious folk. Then a tinge of sadness, that my beloved dog is not here to wish me a happy birthday. But then! A birthday post from a new dear friend, that doesn’t know of my doggy past, or doggy passing, a picture of a Golden Retriever wishing me a Happy Birthday. A Demi Moore/Patrick Swayze/Ghost moment, I knew it was my baby, reaching out from No. 33 where he lives with Jesus (my 3 year old nephew told me where Jesus lives, No. 33 guys! – ha). And then, the greatest gift of all. After having mum be sick again, and calling home to have her pick up the phone, instead of dad, telling me mum’s in hospital again. That’s the greatest gift. Calling that number, and having mum’s voice on the other end. My heart cannot contain all this love, and I am overcome with emotion. Happy birthday to me. Na ta ekatostiso. (Thank you my dear friends for all your well wishes. I will get back to you all. And to those that haven’t yet, it feels like a Good Friday Appeal, but you’ve still got two hours. hahaha)
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 11:04:32 +0000

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