Theres a ship in the Pacific Ocean around 1800. On board this ship - TopicsExpress


Theres a ship in the Pacific Ocean around 1800. On board this ship are a Captain, Navigator, Security Officer, Maintenance Master, First Aid Cadet, Survival Cadet, Chief Engineer, a Cook and 6 ordinary seamen. The ship sinks! In drafting card fashion, players decide who makes it to their lifeboat. You are then poised with one of four decisions. Do you head west to a nearby island occupied by cannibals? Or maybe through stormy waters to Hawaii? Maybe you take the long voyage south to Chile? Or you can do your best to stay put long enough to be rescued by a fishing vessel? Each decision has its pros and cons and its up to you to assess your crew and ensure your best chance at survival. Each crew member begins with various abilities/provisions and those with lesser/no abilities grant more end game points if they survive. Your goal is to move the rescue ship in the ocean to your lifeboat/Cannibal Island or make it to Hawaii or Chile to end the game. Each turn, a player draws a card, similar to Forbidden Desert. That card may change the wind direction, force you to eat food, force you to drink water, force you to move in the wind direction, cause a rainstorm, damage your vessel, lessen the health of your crew, or be attacked by cannibals if you are on Cannibal Island. Players also claim an action each turn. These actions consist of fishing, moving your boat, moving the rescue boat, first aid, maintaining your lifeboat, and preparing rain catchers. Various other abilities become available to you if you decide to land on Cannibal Island. You must have enough food and water to survive the onslaught of the cards. Anytime you are forced to reduce the overall health of your party, you may instead sacrifice a crew member. The less crew members you have at end game, the less points you will be awarded. Bonus points go to who simulates end game, who has the most survivors overall, who has the highest overall health, and whos lifeboat is in the best shape. ... Thoughts?
Posted on: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 15:10:06 +0000

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