Theres a theory, and a strong one at that. In the Year 2000, - TopicsExpress


Theres a theory, and a strong one at that. In the Year 2000, Iraq decided it was going to move from the Petrodollar, to the Eurodollar. This was no good for the US, as our Dollar would of crashed, and the power we had, would slip right through our fingers. The Bush administration took this as a threat to their security, and created a War, but first we needed an enemy. A common cause. Exactly 1 year later, 9/11 happened. Soon after we declared War, and invaded Iraq slaughtering over 115,000 people. Soon after, Iraq switched back to the Petrodollar, and America saved their hold on world currency. But whats even more astounding is the fact that a whole scenario was manmade, all for the protection of power, at the cost thousands of American lives, and an estimated 5 trillion dollars in debt. This begs the question, how will they start the next one? How will the next war become Global. This is a complicated question. One with many moving parts and several layers of secrecy that span from every major country around the World and interconnect into a thick web of connecting information, dis-information, deception, deceit and even truth. Even more frightening is the universal ignorance and delusion to how close we are to an outbreak of Global tragedy. Connecting those dots are difficult, but when you take a step back and look at the simple picture, its inevitable and clear cut. Not only is it inevitable, but has the ability to cloak itself into many ugly disguises. Ranging from economic to biological and natural, to nuclear. You can see it in every forum, read about it on the daily MSM news reports and watch it unfold before you live. Lets take a look at a growing list of concerns & WW3 doom topics: Financial Bubbles, Diseases (Currently Ebola), Martial Law, Nuclear, Civil War disturbances, China, Russia, Ukraine, Currency, Central Banking, Debt, Syria, Israel, Gaza, Iraq, Islam, North Korea, Fukushima, Mega Quake, Prophecies, Biological, Genocide, False Flags, Afghanistan, Egypt, NATO, Jordan, Pakistan, Lebanon, Turkey, East and North Africa, South America, , Japan, Vietnam, US Immigration, and Australia. Quite a bit to cover to see the big picture. So lets put into simple figures and discuss the major catalysts that could lead to the outbreak of World War 3: 1. Ukraine-Russia Conflict. If you type in World War 3 in your search engine, immediately this conflict seems to be the common event that has the potential to spark an international crisis. Not only has this country been deeply embedded in corruption and deeply divided, the crash of MH17 intensified the issue 10 fold. Questions of who supplied the advanced technology and who shot it down still remains to be solved. Yet, several underlying, major moving parts are attached to this conflict from currency to resources. And wars are easily started with the disagreements of resources. Conspiracy theorists have torn this story to shreds and let the flood gates open with sinister motives. Sanctions from the UN and United States have added to the drama of the world stage, but as we have heard before, In Politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way. -Franklin D. Roosevelt russian separatists Image: Russia-Ukraine: Pro-Russian Seperatists 2. Israel-Gaza. In my last article, Prequels to the Palestinian Apartheid, we can see the intensified drama unfold, but whats the purpose? Is it to eliminate their enemy, Hamas? Or is it their goal to finally take over the land they have sought to reclaim. But again, this about resources, specifically Water. Water + Resources + land. Whatever the outcome, it has already gone too far and thousands more will die as a result and in the end a terrible tragedy be at the helm. gaza 3. Northern Iraq. Or should I say ISIS, no wait, the Islamic State. As soon as US troops decide to pull back, a terrible storm of holy warriors rushed town after town to regain control and declare Jihad through a Caliphate. They continue their battle as they close in on Syria, surrounding their bases, and other strong holds. While Hezbollah gains strength in Iraq to battle ISIS, Iraq continues to gain supreme control, repainting Police Cars to say Islamic Police. Anyone who uses the old name The Levant is given 70 lashes. Christians live in secret and churches are being burnt or blocked off. Ancient shrines and temples are destroyed and the people live in constant fear. While this group has a growing and strong movement, it needs to expand its oil [business] for currency reserves to pay off the young fighters its recruiting. {Karen Leigh, Syria Deeply} isis 4. Syria. After several weeks of fighting that resulted in some of the heaviest casualties in Syrias conflict, the Syrian Army said it had retaken the Shaar gas field near Palmyra – one of the countrys largest--from the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).{Karen Leigh, Syria Deeply}. Although it seems Syria has won a major battle, ISIS is still knocking at their door and Syria hard pressed with very thin and stretched out lines. Over the past year, Assad has had trouble with the international community with allegations of Chemical Weapon. Although this was a highly controversial event and claims of False Flags were thrown around, Assad now has further problems with ISIS on their doorstep. syria civil war 5. Financial Bubbles and the US. Fractional Reserve banking, Central Banking, Bernanke Bucks/Yellen, Job Market, Unemployment rates, bonds and National Debt all equal major news. These issues persist in the US and across the Globe. Stimulus packages everywhere are assisting countries avoid default and bankruptcy by creating more debt than they could ever pay back. Unemployment rates are skewed by the government to show marginally medium to high rates at around the national average of 6.2%, when the actual rate is closer to 15% and even 20% in some areas. Interest rates are expected to rise in the fall as the Quantitative easing tapers off to shore up economic growth. and One could make a case that right now, after six years of essentially free money, we could be in the midst of an even larger bubble. {Anthony Mirhaydari, Fed Chief not worried about a financial bubble.} Then add the current state of the Currency Wars around the world and we have an issue of who will ultimately become the dominate currency. From the strong Euro to the Swis Franc, we have world currencies in virtual combat, where one grows strong and the other weak. Combine these financial issues in the United States, International monetary system, and growing unrest with the systematic stripping of our constitutional rights, extreme corruption, and you have elements for Civil War brewing amongst many groups and people in almost all countries, including the United States. Martial law anyone? SEP29HOU 6. BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa.) This union has recently come together to create The New Development Bank and opponent to the current IMF. The emergence of this up and coming world powers will put a chink in the chain of the current World Banks. A 100 Billion dollar capital investment into this Bank has created an International stir and a prelude to another possible large Currency War. With the given divides between Western Countries and the East, clear divisions have been created around the world surrounding these two banks. Another clue to the underlying issue around the world right now that could lead to major catastrophe. brics 7. Biological. According to Elizabeth Kolbert from her book, The Sixth Extinction she states, It is estimated that one-third of all reef-building corals, a third of all fresh-water mollusks, a third of sharks and rays, a quarter of all mammals, a fifth of all reptiles, and a sixth of all birds are headed toward oblivion,. Pollution and the destruction of our natural resources has been a rampant part of our downfall as a human species. As Stanford Ecologist Paul Ehrlich puts it, In pushing other species to extinction, humanity is busy sawing off the limb on which it perches.. Couple these issues with advances in Genetically modified viruses, evolving diseases and outbreaks like the current Ebola crisis and we have a large recipe for a manmade disaster. Going further, what if a deadly virus is released into the public? ebola ebola 2 Ebola in USA Granted there are many other issues that still surround our international community (such as Egypt, NATO, Jordan, Pakistan, Lebanon, Turkey, East and North Africa, Afghanistan, South America, North Korea, Japan, Vietnam, US Immigration, and Australia), but what does it say? We are an international community and regardless of what one country does, it WILL affect another. What about U.S involvement? Here is the special key. The US has been or is involved in all the conflicts above in some manner or another. From supplying enemy combatants to financial backing, the US has its dirty hands in almost all the major events around the world. Yet the common public still sees the illusion that were safe and sound in our surroundings. South American are countries are in civil disruption, shaky European and American markets are rattling cages , unstable economies, war is growing exponentially in the Middle East, and the growing powerful economies of BRICS are shaping the world around us into a hideous beast of greed and war. Limited Resources and control of the currency will always be the underlying cause. Seeing that, can open your eyes to a larger understanding of how the international community operates for power. Around the world, there are reports, articles, papers & media outlets all hinting at the possibility of war. Forums, discussions & political analysts around the planet have lit up sound boards with the premonitions of doom. Indeed, several indications point toward a horrendous World War. And yet, only now America is only beginning to feel the small ripple of Global malfeasance. Our hope is to awaken more intelligent minds and take action. Thus, If War it isnt prevented, It wont be long until the day we are awakened in the middle of the night by a terrible tragedy that destroys our delusional safe haven, surrounded by a brittle bubble of deception. ww3 forum For tips on how to prevent WW3 and take action: anonhq/how-to-prevent-the-third-world-war/ anonhq/anonymous-who-we-really-are-and-how-to-become-anonymous/ _______________________________________________________________________________ Elizabeth Kolbert, The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History listverse/2012/05/26/top-10-catalysts-for-world-war-iii/ abcnews.go/International/assessing-state-syrian-army-isis-advances/story?id=24814669 usatoday/story/news/world/2014/08/03/iraq-mosul-islamic-state-fear/13344551/ cbsnews/news/fed-chief-not-worried-about-a-financial-bubble/
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 04:14:03 +0000

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