Theres a very popular but false idea among people that think of - TopicsExpress


Theres a very popular but false idea among people that think of themselves as Christians that sinners were saved when Jesus died on the cross. Nothing could be more untrue for reasons that ought to be quite obvious. That idea is just one that caught on due to the influence of persuasive people who were honestly mistaken. The more it was repeated the more people believed it because too few people want to do the work of figuring the truth out for themselves and so wind up falling for all kinds of false ideas put forth by mistaken but persuasive people. The fact is, the real truth that anyone can prove to themselves, is that a person is saved when they seriously decide to stop being selfish and starts living by the golden rule correctly understood. No one has to be a scholar of any kind or depend on the opinions of other people or hearsay from any source to know that this is true, that it always has been true, and that it always will be true and that its clearly supported by Jesus according to the people that wrote biographies of him and his teachings. The reason that Im pointing this out is not just to be argumentative. Its because unless you really do know the truth as Jesus said you could and had to in order to be saved, you can never be saved in the sense that he clearly meant. His Jewish brethren didnt understand at all but his Jewish disciples didnt clearly understood it either. This is no matter to scoff at or derisively dismiss as just rhetoric. Heres how you can know with absolute certainty that Im telling you the truth. Follow the advice of James and very carefully examine the royal law of liberty or the golden rule in other words. Now, dont get the idea that you have to do this just because James said to do it. The golden rule has been knowable since the time of the very first people on earth that the Bible says was Adam and Eve. They were the first people to be obedient to it and they were the first people to abandon it for another way of life they mistakenly presumed was better. As a matter of fact, the word religion is a word that describes the idea of becoming firmly recommitted to that way of life described as the golden rule. When I began my search for the Holy Grail of absolute truth is was to satisfy my own thirst for the truth and also to help others learn it as well. Helping people learn the real truth is still my motive just is it was Jesus motive.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 01:41:40 +0000

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