Theres a war in Israel. Oh no does this mean the worlds ending - TopicsExpress


Theres a war in Israel. Oh no does this mean the worlds ending because of Biblical prophecy? Not so much. Because while Hamas does pose a clear and present danger to Israels civilian population, it does not pose an existential threat to Israels government politically. And its a good thing too because if Hamas was that powerful then it would be a big enough threat to the rest of the world to make North Korea look sane by comparison. Hamas poses a real threat to Israeli civilians individually. If you are an Israeli civilian then you are in a constant Russian Roulette that Iron Dome might fail at any moment and cause your death. However, Hamas doesnt have enough rockets to kill every last one of the Israeli civilians or overthrow Israels government. Why, then, have they been bombing Israel when theres no way they could win? Because politics. Hamas has been emboldened by the craptarded BDS movement and hopes that Israel will cave to Western pressure and just put up with occasional rockets and suicide bombers, and they think that a sufficient success rate in killing Jews will attract funding for further terrorist efforts until they really can pose an existential threat. However, unlike wimpy former Israeli prime minister Sharon, (who left his guts somewhere back in the 20th century apparently) current Israeli prime minister Netanyahu doesnt seem to be the kind of man who is going to sacrifice the security of his citizens to the Hamas devils just because Oprah doesnt like him, Obama flipflops on Israel again or the U.N. decides to throw a hissy fit. He is going to blow the hell out of Hamass rockets and terror tunnels and put a stop to this nonsense, and I say more power to him in that effort.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 02:34:38 +0000

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