Theres alot of talk about who is this and who is that, but why in - TopicsExpress


Theres alot of talk about who is this and who is that, but why in self riotousness are people so certain they know who is good and who is bad and who has the spirit and who doesnt? An atheist might have the spirit to a greater degree than one who thinks himself or herself holy. The reason why is because spirit is subject not object and spirit lives in each and every person, either active or inactive but it is still there and every one possesses this. God lives within every thing. Stop trying to objectify spirit. Believers do this to the same degree as everyone else, claiming to know what they cannot know. Jesus says in the book of John: The wind blows wherever it wants. Just as you can hear the wind but cant tell where it comes from or where it is going, so you cant explain how people are born of the Spirit. And this quote from Nikolai Berdyaev: Spirit is never an object; nor a spiritual reality an objective one. In the so-called objective world theres no such nature, thing, or objective reality as spirit. Hence it is easy to deny the reality of spirit. God is spirit because he is not object, because he is subject. And Jeremiah the prophet received this: “I the Lord search the heart and test the mind, to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his deeds.” It is not anyones job but the spirits to search the hearts and minds of all believers of all faiths and all non believers too. No matter what anyone does or doesnt believe, the spirit knows the motivations and reasons and has grace and forgiveness. In my opinion and ive met rabbis who share this opinon, the atheist who does fruitful deeds out of a loving heart is certainly acting more in accord with the spirit than a believer who acts grudgingly, self riotously, out of obligation or from expectation of reward and not from a place of love.
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 18:34:58 +0000

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