Theres an Elvis Costello song Im very fond of called, Everyday I - TopicsExpress


Theres an Elvis Costello song Im very fond of called, Everyday I Write the Book. While there may be things in our lives that we have no control over, how each of us write our book is our business. This means we are responsible for our relationships, this does not mean we are responsible for the people we are having the relationships with. If you have relationships in your life that cause you stress, distance yourself from them. Stress is a huge reason we tend to over eat and learning that we can choose who we want to hang out with in this life can be a huge step towards learning how to nourish ourselves. If you build your friendships based on how much you think people need you, you will end up drained, exhausted and resentful. You are not responsible for anyone but yourself (unless you have small children, then thats a given, youre responsible for them too. And pets, they need you.) If guilt is a driving factor in keeping any relationship going, you are doing yourself and the other person a huge disservice. True friendship means both people bring something to the table, not one person being all the legs. Your friendships should make you feel happy, supported and invigorated and if they dont (get ready for all caps) IT IS YOUR RIGHT NOT TO BE IN THEM. Youre not a jerk if you dont feel like putting up with someone elses constant self-pity, complaining, non-sense and general tom foolery. Good relationships bring out the best of who you are, they shouldnt leave you feeling like running to the refrigerator.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 15:21:00 +0000

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