Theres an incipid article in the New Republic that desperately - TopicsExpress


Theres an incipid article in the New Republic that desperately tries to stand up for Obama vs. Putin. Their article below and my response below that..... newrepublic/article/116859/putin-envy-and-american-conservatives The New Republic shills for the MSM that now anything that doesnt support Obama as President is first racist, un-American, partisan and now of all things just silly. Ever since the rise of what we might call this silliness of William Jennings Bryan, TR and Wilsons progressive ideas that there was no need to worry about John Quincy Adams warning about entanglement in foreign wars weve allowed the quivering conflict resolutionsists in the Department of State and foreign service to get us into more wars than we can count in the 20th and 21st centuries. The Department of War grudgingly following the cajoling idealistic blathery fantasies of world peace festering in the mind of Wilson allowed him to be snookered by the French and British to get us into World War I. Wilson dreamed of peace and 400,000 American men died of their wounds all to engage in Wilsons fatal conceit in the power of diplomacy. FDR badly mismanaged relations with the Japanese in the 1930s, which led into a sustained and costly two front world war. Good leaders keep us (1) out of wars that we have no national interest (Eisenhower and to a lesser degree Truman and Kennedy) or (2) try to end lingering conflicts that no longer serve our global geo-political and economic interests (Reagan and GHW Bush). Other presidents dream of facile arm twisting power mania like TR, Johnson and GW Bush or are simply too experientially incompetent from lacking enough understanding of world affairs that they allow events to happen that they no longer have any control. most particularly our two most ill-equipped to serve Presidents (in their respective historical moments) in the last 130 years namely Jimmy Carter and most acutely today Barack Hussein Obama. Bill Clinton deserves an honorable mention in his bungling of the mess of Kosovo and co-enabling the rise of Al Quaeda (feeling it was more important to bomb a Sudanese aspirin plant to avoid attention paid to Monicas soiled blue dress). This article completely misreads the supposed weak-kneed genuflection of the right toward Putin. It is not to the brutal meglomania of Putin that the right looks to but rather they see in him a leader who single-handedly is searching for a way protect the national interest of his own country. Barack Obama dares to play himself between the limpwristed ping-ponging of first the moral equivalence argument (an extension of Wilsons madness) that were no better than Russia or now that Russia better not do what Obama, himself, a certified war criminal has done in single-handedly signing the executive order to issue drone strikes on anyone in the world he doesnt like. Therein lies the difference between Putin and Obama. Obama is a petulant spoiled self-loathing black man who uses white mans guilt as his tool to suppress his enemies not from strength but from fear through his minions who use race-baiting you hate him because hes black to a nauseating hysteria. Putin may be a leader we dont LIKE (his interests are Russian and not American after all!) but there is little not to RESPECT in his actions. This is the major difference between the REALIST leader like PUTIN who argues for his country and the IDEALIST leader like OBAMA who spends his time trying to dismantle his own nation in order to refashion it into his own vision of the socialist utopian paradise that is always forever lost......
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 01:49:01 +0000

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