Theres an interesting symmetry between this theory and digital - TopicsExpress


Theres an interesting symmetry between this theory and digital audio. Contrary to the stair step myth promulgated by luddites and morons, PCM and DSD digital audio formats encode two dimensional wave forms as a single column (the amplitude or volume dimension) of numbers (of varying size). The reason we dont have stair steps between quantized values is that the second columns (the time dimension) set of values is a fixed, constant value. From those two numbers a third dimension, frequency, is defined within the precision of the time constant (iow the sample rate). Its interesting that early digital audios biggest problem was the same thing the holometer experiment is set up to measure: Jitter, or imprecision of the time grid, is effectively noise that cannot be removed, nor easily observed. To the extent we control jitter, audio just sounds better (where better = closer to the original signal). It never goes away entirely, rather it improves to a degree we cannot detect it audibly or experimentally. If our universe were similarly constructed, our senses (not to mention imaginations) could be hard-wired to not perceive or measure things below a certain resolution (quantum phenomenon). Just as we cannot create a perfect audio clock nor any practical use or value for such a device, the resolution of matter itself may behave as a nyquist limit for the encoded signals we call reality... So in reality there are electro-magnetic frequencies bouncing around me at all amplitudes above 30K, the highest conceivable limit of my perception, well into the gigahertz range. I could record this signal at arbitrarily high sample rates, capturing more and more actual information, including wifi, tv, radio bluetooth, from simple to heat and lightwaves. Its all EM, and given a transducer its all recordable to an arbitrary degree of precision, limited mostly by technology. If I capture a holistic recording, say a 90° view of this room, from 0Hz-1pHz, far beyond our current limits of perception, absent some input filter, any signals above 1pHz would be encoded as well, as aliasing noise. Today we can even reconstruct those out of band signals somewhat, but its hard to know when and whether they are ghost signals leaking in or some in-band phenomenon. Still, when we can prove that noise in an encoded signal is an alias, we can infer the existence/presence of signals above and beyond the sample rate. So the Fermilab holometers revealing of encoded noise, can imply at least two things experimentally: 1) the precision of the device is insufficient for encoding the signal-under-test (and since that device relies on the fastest, most-constant signal in the known universe, light, were pretty much out of perceptual tools and technological measurement solutions). 2) The universe is holographic representation of something else happening at a much different scale. The first option is probably discouraging to scientists, the second currently quite attractive. But Id argue the first option seems more likely and consistent with past discoveries in the main. Simply put, we may be mistaking the far limits of current technology with the resolution and nature of the universe itself. Id argue this implies a radically different granularity (or even lack thereof) lying beyond our present paradigms.
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 15:26:03 +0000

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