Theres no penalty for being wrong, only accolades. This from - TopicsExpress


Theres no penalty for being wrong, only accolades. This from January 2009. About deficits: Such heavy borrowing runs the risk down the line of rampant inflation, which scares away foreign capital while making the purchasing power of the dollar weaker for American consumers. Rampant inflation? He was way off! About a stimulus: The stimulus can do that by focusing exclusively on strengthening businesses, boosting job creation and lifting consumer confidence. He meant a smaller stimulus but he was still for one. He advocated tax cuts which he got with Stimulus. First, we need to reconcile the American peoples demands for swift action with the fact that a good bill requires time -- time to hold hearings, read the bill in painstaking detail, and root out waste. Swift action performed with painstaking detail. OK. Lastly, any new spending must be introduced with the clear understanding that it is temporary rather than permanent. It is not always easy to terminate spending programs once they have been funded... And that it was. ...but our bleak long-term budget outlook requires significant sacrifices over the coming years. Actually, growing the economy and putting people to work should have been more important than counting beans in the federal budget. cnn/2009/POLITICS/01/16/cantor.stimulus/index.html?iref=newssearch
Posted on: Fri, 09 May 2014 23:52:33 +0000

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