Theres nothing as painful as to realize that some people - TopicsExpress


Theres nothing as painful as to realize that some people especially in Africa are tormented and oppressed for offenses they never committed, simply because they were falsely accused and many today are suffering for such crimes they know nothing about. Others like Joseph in Egypt are in prison for accusations theyre very innocent about. Sadly today this evil thrive regularly in our governments, politics, work places / offices, and even our marriages, families and homes are not spared. It is also strange to discover sometimes that some of the people behind such evil conspiracy are people we least expected, some might even be very close to us just like King David once lamented in Psalm 55:12-14 for it was not an enemy that reproach me; then I could have borne it...but it was you, friend, my guide, my companion, we even took sweet counsel and fellowship together and walk to the house of God in company what a betrayal it was for King David the day he realized this! It is also possible that some of the reasons and causes for the troubles and afflictions were passing through today are those trusted fellows we once told our secret in the past. The lesson here is; never open-up to anyone, no matter how close, gifted or talented theyre until youve proven them to be trustworthy. David rejected the armor of King Saul when he was about to fight his worst enemy Goliath, simply because he has not proven the armor, no little wonder he defeated and killed Goliath. In Mathew 10:36 Jesus said ...a mans foes shall be they of his own household how strange this statement but yet true! I am glad that God has written these things in the scriptures for our admonition. It is very possible that the things were suffering today were due to our ignorance in the past, we didnt know these profound truths. But now that we know!!! Something must happen in the mighty name of Jesus. So I encourage you to surrender your life completely to Jesus today if youre still contemplating which way to go with your life, then watch him set you free from every predicament and wrong issues of life. In John 8:32 Jesus speaking And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free finally he said in John 8:36 If the Son therefore shall make you free; you shall be free indeed I believe that today is the day of freedom from every plot and conspiracy of the devil against you, so I decree by the Power in the name of Jesus Christ receive freedom in every area of your-life. Amen. JESUS THE SAME TODAY, TOMORROW AND FOREVER.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 14:43:29 +0000

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