Theres one born every minute. Republican voters get frustrated - TopicsExpress


Theres one born every minute. Republican voters get frustrated with Republicans in Congress because it seems as if they are not aggressive enough on key issues. They have backed off of putting a repeal-and-replace ObamaCare alternative on the table. They now say they will repeal parts of it and try to fix it. Its not fixable! But repair is all they believe they can get if they gain control of both chambers of Congress by winning the Senate and maintain control of the House in November. That may be the case politically, but Republican voters would like for them to at least try to repeal and replace it. Republicans in the House control federal spending authorizations, but when they try to use that power, the Democrats leverage the bias in the mainstream media to put Republicans on the defensive over everything from children to the elderly to animals to the environment and, of course, “government shutdowns”. Republicans have not learned how to get out in front of the various public relations battles, so they end up with distasteful compromises to keep the media heat off of them. Maybe thats just the political reality of things, but it leaves Republican voters frustrated and sometimes disappointed. Republican voters also realize the House cannot pass real economic growth policies without the Senate and the president, but at least tell us what you would do instead of just acting helpless all the time. For example, it would be nice to know that congressional Republicans would immediately suspend taxes on repatriated profits, put tax rates back down to Bush-era levels and eventually push for full replacement of the tax code. Democrats, on the other hand, have been exposed in their own words for lying about ObamaCare, denying that this economy is still not in a recovery, denying that the nearly trillion-dollar stimulus didnt work, denying that there are massive corruptions and cover-ups at the IRS and the Veterans Administration, and denying that there is a State Department cover-up unfolding to hide Hillary Clintons role in the Benghazi tragedy. Most Democrat voters just look the other way and keep on voting for Democrat candidates. The mainstream media under-reports or ignores the lying and denying altogether, while the Democrats in office just keep saying repeatedly what they want their voters to believe, regardless of the truth: The Republicans are obstructing what we want to do, thats why things are not better. But you are better off than six years ago. Those Tea Party anarchists have taken over the House and we cant get our (bad) policies passed. We must maintain control of the Senate so we can continue our (destructive) policies and tactics of the last six years. Civilization as we know it could end! ... while the Democrat crowds cheer, applaud and smile. Some black Democrat voters stopped smiling years ago, when they realized that the Democrats were counting on their votes no matter what. Democrat candidates got most of the black vote, but not as many as the media wants you to believe, because millions of black voters are waking up to the fact that big government and big spending Democrat policies have failed all of us. When Democrat policies fail all of us, they fail black people even more. Just look at the facts, but most Democrats ignore the facts. Hispanics in this country are the next block of voters from whom the Democrats are trying to obtain voting allegiance with lofty promises of amnesty, shortcuts to citizenship and unearned government benefits just for being able to get here alive. Similarly, some Hispanics are not falling for the bait, because they became citizens through the inefficient laws already on the books. Its no secret why blacks and Hispanics are targeted voting blocks for Democrats. Together they comprise about 25 percent of the U.S. population, and many of them welcome more government dependency, which is why they keep voting for Democrats. The rest of the loyal Democrat voters just cant vote for a Republican, because of the sustained Democrat narrative that they are the party of the poor little guy, and that the Republicans are the party of the rich. And it’s true. Democrats want all of us to be poor, while Republicans want all of us to be rich. The more people learn about the Democrats rhetoric, the more campaign money the Democrats spend to distract and deny the truth. But thanks to alternative media sources, the truth is starting to shine through. We will know if its working in November 2014.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 15:44:41 +0000

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