Theres something about singing to yourself , that allows you to be - TopicsExpress


Theres something about singing to yourself , that allows you to be alone with yourself , with your thoughts , even in a big family like mine . I grew up in a busy household with three brothers , and a constantly changing assortment of relatives , coming and going , arriving from the old country . So busy in fact ,that at times we had to eat in shifts to accommodate everyone . Needless to say , there was very seldom a spot in our house where one could go to be alone , or just to be quiet . When I was a kid , I used to sing my little heart out , standing at the kitchen sink every night washing the mountains of supper dishes . I guess it passed the time and made the job seem easier . As I grew into my teens , I continued singing while doing the dishes , only this time it was the music of The Stones , Elvis , Fats Domino , Pat Boone and the very early Beatles . Later , when my babies came along , I assigned a song to each of them at their birth , on the day they were born . . Never actually my plan , but as they came along , it felt like it was the first gift I could give to each of them . God knows I had very little else to give . For Rick it was the Crickets Thatll Be The Day , for Michelle it was Bobby Helms Special Angel , and for William , it was The Browns The Three Bells or as its more commonly known Little Jimmy Brown . I actually had the opportunity to dedicate and sing that song to him , before an audience , back in January this year , when we were all on a Caribbean cruise together . Quite possibly my finest hour I thought , but as I looked out across the audience , I could see that JE , William and Glenn were all tearing up and before I knew it , I too was choking back emotional tears , however , Im proud to say that I managed to get all the way through my song . But I digress . . . Getting back to the dishes . . . I still sing when I stand at the kitchen sink at night doing the supper dishes . I can tell , when JE looks up from whatever shes doing at that time , that she enjoys it , and all is well in our kitchen , no need to speak , we just know . . . Its still a happy thing to do , only now my repertoire is quite full and I have recently threatened to record a song for one of my grandsons . I dont sing very well anymore , and cant hit half of the notes , yet , I know that he will know it comes from a place of love , and thats all that really matters . . . He loves his Nana . . . At some point along the way I will know which song was written especially for my little great granddaughter Riley , it just hasnt come to me yet . . . So , Ill carry on washing dishes and singing , just as I have always done , for as long as I am able . Josie Brown ~
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 19:39:00 +0000

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