There’ll be no abandoned projects under my watch-Obiano By - TopicsExpress


There’ll be no abandoned projects under my watch-Obiano By Our Reporter on October 20, 2014 • COVER Anambra State governor, Chief Willie Obiano has assured Ndi Anambra that there will be no case of abandoned project under his watch. Governor Obiano made the pledge to contrac¬tors and various groups that paid solidarity visit to him at the Governors’ Lodge, Amawbia over the weekend. Obiano said his admin¬istration was committed to steadfast implementation of the 4Cs programme of Continuing, Completing, Commissioning old proj¬ects and Commencing of new projects. According to Obiano: “Our projects are well thought-out and initiated to international standards and specifica¬tions and all outstanding contractual obligations and issues are being addressed and honoured.” The governor stressed that his administration would continue to pursue all contractual agreements entered into by his prede¬cessor as long as quality of work was not compromised and enjoined consultants to be alive to their respon¬sibilities to avoid lapses. He directed all contractors handling government proj¬ects in the state to go back to site and accelerate the pace of work as the rain was gradually abating. Speaking further, Obia¬no told the contractors to use the coming Dry Sea¬son to work aggressively to complete the projects on schedule and accord¬ing to specifications. He enjoined the contractors to work on how to be in¬volved in the state’s road maintenance programme and confirm approved burrow pits for sand exca¬vation to avoid aggravat¬ing the problem of ero¬sion in some parts of the state. He also told them to use the state Building Materials Quality Testing Laboratory to confirm the quality of materials used in executing projects to check incessant collapse of buildings and roads. Earlier, the Commis¬sioner for Works, Sir Cal¬listus Ilozumba, while ex¬plaining the import of the meeting, pointed out that the meeting was to focus on and organise various projects and avail them the opportunities to inter¬act with the governor on various issues concerning the projects. Speaking on behalf of other contractors, Youssef Zghaib assured that they would work hard and to specification and meet the expectations of the gov¬ernment and the people.
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 08:11:20 +0000

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