• There’s a guy sitting on a park bench reading a - TopicsExpress


• There’s a guy sitting on a park bench reading a newspaper… It was one of those gloomy days, you know the kind where everyone rather just stay inside and not bother with the real world. Unfortunately, I put on my rain coat and start heading down the street mumbling to myself on how much I rather not go to my minimal wage job. The rain drops started falling slowly at first but not even minutes later the storm begins and I can barely see that old man on the bench, instead all I see is a figure holding the newspaper. I kept walking, wondering why in the world would someone still try to read the paper when it is almost impossible to see, it looks like the sky is getting more and more black the closer I get to that stupid bench. Within a few minutes I finally am standing inches from the man and I lean over to investigate what he is reading. I am taken back at what I dont see, there is not one word nor picture on what I thought was a newspaper.. Instead it was blank. Perhaps he was mentally ill, or possibly the ink faded away? I was assuming all of these possibilities in my head but I couldnt get myself to bother him, he seemed like he was having such a great day .... As we both sit in silence waiting on our bus to come, the storm slowly dies out and the sky lightens up a tad bit, and as the last rain drop falls the man turns to me and says See? In the storm, things appear to be much different BUT when its all over you are able to see the good For awhile I just stared at him in confusion and I am sure my puzzled look gave him the response to continue. He shakes that blank paper at me and tells me to look at it again, and what I saw was the actual Newspaper! The front of the page pictured him and a elderly lady, assuming his wife. I try to speak, and he takes my hand Dont allow a bad day to ruin all of your days, it gets better because magic is all around us. The bus is now in front of us, he stands up but continues to walk toward another bench and as I stand there, I see someone elses storm coming in....
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 04:32:49 +0000

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