There’s a large group of lightworkers on Earth right now and - TopicsExpress


There’s a large group of lightworkers on Earth right now and they have partly awakened, partly remembered who they are. In fact one can distinguish between three groups of lightworkers, or three stages in which they may find themselves in this transformation process. 1. Unaware and unawake The first group of lightworkers has not awakened yet. They do not yet realize who they are and they feel very lost and lonely because of that. They feel different, yes, they feel like they’re not fitting into human society. They feel alone and alienated from mainstream society. These people are suffering. They think they are failing. Often they are highly sensitive. They are dreamers, like all of you: dreaming of another world, even remembering it, from the depth of their soul, but unable to connect the dream with everyday reality. So they withdraw and live in their inner world. Because their light does not radiate outward, they feel unhappy and even suffocated. 2. The remembering The Then there’s another group of lightworkers, who are starting to remember who they are. Slowly they remember their true strength, the fact that they are really angels, who have incarnated into a human body to bring light on earth. This light is so much needed right now. As soon as you realize that you are an eternal soul, not bound to the material realm, you gain in strength. You may still feel different, an outsider, but now you feel connected to another world, a world of beauty and harmony. This is your home, the world you truly come from. If you know that, you need not any longer feel alone. Today we wish to remind you of the energy of home. 3. Wide awake There is yet another group of lightworkers, a third group. We may call them the ‘senior lightworkers’. These are the ones who have been in the process of awakening for a long time. They have been working on themselves for years, some even decades, and they have gone through many different stages of inner transformation. They know what it is like to change on the inner level, to become aware of deep-seated emotional burdens and negative beliefs. They have experienced what it is like to release one’s old identity and open up to a new one, closer to their true nature. Many of you hearing or reading this message are part of this third group of lightworkers. You feel very old inside. You have gone through a lot, both in this lifetime and in many previous ones. In our eyes, you are revered for your courage and depth of wisdom. You are the treasures of the Earth, even if you feel old and weary. It is you who we are speaking to in particular.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Apr 2014 22:31:20 +0000

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