There’s been a lot of talk about President Obama issuing an - TopicsExpress


There’s been a lot of talk about President Obama issuing an executive order during the Congressional recess to allow millions of illegal immigrants to stay in the US. But not so fast. The White House is suddenly downplaying those stories. Senior Obama adviser Dan Pfeiffer told ABC’s “The Week” that that’s just “uninformed speculation.” He says Obama has asked Homeland Security and the Justice Department to make recommendations about illegal immigration by the end of summer, but they haven’t even reported back yet. So maybe the media have just been running a little wild. Or maybe the White House thought amnesty would be a winning political issue, but the recent angry protests and poll numbers convinced them otherwise. Some pundits even suggested that Obama was waving amnesty like a bullfighter waves a red flag, to provoke Republican impeachment talk that Democrats could use to gin up donations and voter turnout . But reminding the public of how many people think you should be impeached isn’t a good longterm strategy for building public confidence in your leadership. Besides, Speaker Boehner has already ruled out impeachment. And as law professor and Instapundit blogger Glenn Reynolds points out, if Obama abdicated defending the borders, governors like Rick Perry in Texas could invoke the Constitution’s Article One right for states to go to war against invasion if the federal government fails to respond. If an open border is bad for Democratic reelection prospects, I can’t imagine that allowing border war to break out would be an improvement.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 00:00:00 +0000

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