There’s nothing Americans loves more than the story of - TopicsExpress


There’s nothing Americans loves more than the story of redemption. We can all relate to this in some way, but rarely does it happen to the extent and scale that it has happened to my youngest brother. Many of you know my not-so-little brother, Ryan. He’s the tall, goofy kid with one of the best beards I’ve ever seen on a 20 year old. Total stud. Ryan has always been a great guy with a great heart. The last few years have been rough for him though, and Ryan kept running into one brick wall after another. Some of you know how stubborn Jinks men can be, God help us, and Ryan is no exception. All of us struggle in our teens and early twenties trying to figure out exactly who we are, what we’re going to do with our life, and becoming comfortable with ourselves. This can be a painful, difficult journey, and for most of us, these discoveries don’t come until later in life. In some ways, I’m still trying to figure it all out for myself. Ryan was going rogue and running away from his family and from God, and last year, Ryan finally hit the bottom. God had been coming for Ryans heart with a vengeance, and when the bottom was reached and Ryan had stopped resisting, God was finally able to bring him back into the fold. Since then, Ryan has found himself in Christ and has totally dedicated himself to serving Him and helping those in need. As Ryan’s faith grew, he made one of the gutsiest decisions I’ve ever seen; Ryan decided to embark on the challenge of going on the World Race. The World Race is an 11 month mission trip to 11 of the most impoverished countries in the world where desperation, famine, and death are just part of daily life. Those who go on the World Race will be helping people in these 11 countries while advancing God’s Kingdom. Even though he knew he would be leaving the comforts of home, his friends, his family, taking a year away from college at the University of Memphis, and exposing himself to the harshest places on earth, Ryan’s decision to go on the World Race was surprisingly easy for him. He knew that his new faith in Christ would require a radical commitment from him, and he embraced this willingly as his challenge. The biggest challenge he will face prior to him leaving, however, is raising enough money to go on this adventure. Ryan needs to raise a total of $16,225, and he’s leaving in the beginning of September. So far, Ryan has done an incredible job raising money, but he’s still a good ways off from achieving this goal, and we need to help get him there. Ryan is the man for this job, and I’m honored to be able to call him my brother. Please check out Ryan’s blog and personal testimony and be sure to partner with him by donating anything you can. Probably all of us at some point have wanted to do something like this, but Ryan has the faith, the guts, and the ability to step up and do this and go forth to serve the Lord. For those of us unable to physically go on this adventure, we can still be a part of this by helping to send Ryan on behalf of ourselves as our ambassador. Lets become a part of his incredible journey!
Posted on: Wed, 02 Jul 2014 20:49:25 +0000

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