There’s something I would like to share. First of all, If you - TopicsExpress


There’s something I would like to share. First of all, If you don’t know me, my name is Daniel Chen. I am a Chinese-American born and raised in Washington State and previously attended college in California. I am an avid supporter of independence movements against an ever-growing corruption spreading across America like a disease. I would just like to remind these fellow seccesionists that trending Cascadia all over the media will never help you achieve your goal. You may have spirit, but the nations of America will never accept you nor will the rest of the world recognize it. It may be true you have some thousands of followers, but you will never achieve your goal in this manner. I am sure you fear America. America being the most powerful country in the world simply makes you keep the movement only at a level of something that lies in your heart, but not your actions. Of course, seceding from the US is far from easy. I have concluded that the only thing to do is wait. Keep up the spirit. Don’t give up on it. But you will have to be very patient on this matter. If you want a true Cascadia, you will need: 1. A vast majority whom are willing to secede. If you do attempt a secession, alot of people may see you as rebels. Remember the American Civil War? After that, nobody really wanted to secede for real ever again. You need to get the people of your proposed “Cascadia” to devote themselves to the cause as fully as possible 2. You will need important people on your side. Having powerful people supporting the movement is the best way yet. If Putin or XiJianPing thinks Cascadia deserves independence then maybe you’ll have a chance of achieving your goal. 3. You will need to know how to help make your Cascadia an actual country. You need to prevent Civil Wars and political/economical letdowns that will lower the spirit of your populace. Who would want to be part of Cascadia if the land is lawless? The only immigrants you would ever get are anarchists. 4. You will need a fighting force that can show the world Cascadia’s power. When America gained independence from Britain, it had already had the support of major nations such as France, a country that believed the America has a chance of defeating Britain in war. According to military officials, any part of America’s federal land that secedes successfully will be met with America’s military power, the number #1 military on the planet. You’ll probably need a militaristic alliance with Russia or China. Don’t be let down by the ugly truth. A secession is possible. Here are several scenarios: 1. The collapse of the US economy (US beat out of the market, collapse of the US Dollar) This is a highly possible scenario. The US economy is currently falling. So are its products as foreign products become the booty of the decade. To truly destroy the US economy faster, simply buy less products from megacorporations. By local, and also buy less. That means the state will recieve less sales tax. That will not only save money for you and your families but also benefit the cause. The bad news is, you will be sacrificing alot for your families, so take heed. If you don’t have family to care for, I suggests following this route. 2. US debt. This is something out of your control. Let America waste their money on weaponry. If the US can’t pay off their debts, they’ll meet the fists of foreign nations. Plus, how can they fight a seccessionist movement at this point? Also, know this: Cascadia is home to America’s main supply of water. Also, if America’s economy collapses and the country cannot buy foreign lumber any longer, they may resort to pulling down forests in their own territory. That means tearing down Pacific Northwest forests may even be a risk America will take. Use the destroying of forests as a promotion to your cause: At the right time, protest and even defend the “precious Cascadian land.” America will not bomb Cascadia. Why? Bombing Cascadia is a risk of destroying the land they need. Instead, troops and artillery will definitely be sent in. But it’s the forest. I find that, if America can’t win a war in Vietnam’s jungles, they can’t beat Cascadia. Participating in the defense of Cascadian land is necessary. America will be spending alot of money on military actions in Cascadia, which is at their own risk. If you want America to give up, helping dissolve the money they have is best. America gave up in Vietnam mainly because of the money. Use this notion to your advantage. That’s all I have to say about this.
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 03:40:19 +0000

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