These Are My Personal Beliefs. And I Am Not Scared To Share Them. - TopicsExpress


These Are My Personal Beliefs. And I Am Not Scared To Share Them. You Can Judge It, You Can Also Disagree With It. I will Accept & See Your Side To What You Believe. I Would Love Others To Share Their Own Beliefs. This Is A Democracy!! If You Rather Your Beliefs Come Off More P.C. Feel Free To Express Yourself In Any Manner You See Fit Social-class must end! Socialism must rise! Soldiers die for what they believe in. Jihadists die for what they believe in too. All people in war end up taking others along for the ride. Isnt that what war is? War is war. It sucks and I dont believe in ANY war! But whos to say whos more corrupt? Some Muslims pervert religion but it doesnt mean theyre holy-warriors!! Have some perspective, man! Christians pervert religion, too, every time they use politics as rhetoric. Every time theyre bored to death holding their picket signs with words full of bigotry. Thats perversion!! Some dont like me (or us) because were at the bottom. But If people would listen to us, we could give so many answers to solve the problems of the world. Because we are the dreamers of the dream. We see people going in a direction leading towards chaos and they dont even realize it. They want the truth when its right under their nose! I say, They because as long as They see us and Them we will remain with an Us and Them mentality. Because the majority is being so P.C. with their lives all drawn out for them; the working class heroes, no one wants to listen to us. We will not be heard. Not the Gays. Not the mentally Ill. Not the Disabled. Not the Lower-income people. Because we dont have the voice in such a perfect Democracy. Is the minority, the downtrodden outnumbered? Or are we just too busy being thrown in Psych wards and prison? Are politics obscuring the facts by telling us that Minority is about race and color? At some point, each of us have to face the facts… We are NOT a part of the majority. Or you would be heard. Or you wouldnt walk with subliminal crutches, so to speak, just to try to fit in. As many, Ive been through the injustice. I have had a taste of it, at the very least. And I understand. Furthermore, I refuse to be the victim that some pseudo-moral-badged people will call me. WTF do you want me to be? Something that you can tolerate when youve never truly accepted me? (Thats me talking to the world). Toleration has become one of the most pretentious things in America. Until people are more honest with themselves and others, being tolerable will remain a lie. Just a scapegoat to keep the people that people hate away from them. People dont want peace. Furthermore, theyre scared by the people who do want peace. I want peace and equality. Though I know it will never happen until people see what is right under their noses. Those are my beliefs and my beliefs, like anyones beliefs, I take seriously. So, why go on? If people dont want peace than Ill consume myself with your hate. To end this, Id like to use some of my fav. lyrics by artist and peacemaker, Bob Marley - Until the philosophy which hold one race superior And another Inferior Is finally And permanently Discredited And abandoned - Everywhere is war - Me say war.
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 07:10:55 +0000

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