These NGOs are served by an army of local members which implement - TopicsExpress


These NGOs are served by an army of local members which implement locally the World Order schemes and agendas . . In Lebanon , they are found in ministries and official departments and in key positions , they work for UN or other organizations , they are allowed to take important decisions and are not accountable to the ministry or department they work for. The most important thing is that an NGO member will belong to this virtual society of NGOs, and will serve the purpose of the NGO which is a purpose alien to his country and society . He will present himself as an NGO and will be committed to this belonging and will relate to others -whether family or friends - through this NGO. Therefore, such a person will become an alien to his society and will not be able to serve his society in any way, but will serve the foreign agenda instead. Besides manipulating others the way they are being manipulated , these NGO members will be prevented from pursuing a career that is beneficial to them and to others . This way the World Order will be crippling and rendering ineffective and turning into parasites a whole section of the young population that could have been useful otherwise. The NGO infiltration is a step further in the process of acculturation that has started long ago-through education- whereby the people of a certain country will not be only ripped off their culture and affiliated to another culture but will also become direct enemies to their own societies . These NGOs are the real armies of the global order , they help in destroying societies from within and wage for false flag revolutions and rally people around any cause when ordered to do so. They are responsible for the great instability that followed the Arab Spring as they seem to be responsible for the Mavi Marmara killings. They work under the attractive label of freedom and democracy and human rights and they serve none of those of course while they definitely serve the predator world order. Here is a list of the NGOs promoted by the NED in many countries .
Posted on: Sat, 21 Sep 2013 19:35:11 +0000

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