These Shias community nor their scholars had/has replied to - TopicsExpress


These Shias community nor their scholars had/has replied to question raised about filthy/baseless,innovated and polluted madhab of Shias since right after Sad demise of my Nabi ( saw ).I explained before on fbook and challenged them after proving that they r wrong/misguided people.I myself come from a Shiat background.I researched ,as such, about Shiaism.I spent years together to find out the truth.Finally, many many years before, I visited the city of Qum to verify the affairs.I was in disguise of a Shia, so authorities concerned welcomed me & I stayed there about a week.As they took me one of them, they disclosed to me all about their so-called Theology. I found out that an Education Institution which has well reputation but what the world seesis just in appears not based on realties.It is a very very big Factory of Innovation wherefrom Islam is fabricated/innovated/polluted and than distributed all over the Islamic world.It is amazing that Iran had been spending billions of Dollars just on propagation of their kind of Islam all over the world specially in neighbouring countries and they were charged officially for such crimes.Specially, their cultural Centre r spying centres and charged in the past accordingly. They had/have innovated the whole real Islam.They did such innovation to the tune of self interest means modified Islamic code to their own favours.They changed Quran/interpreted to the tune of their own benefits,though interpretation from Arabic to any other language, there is set procedure to be adopted, otherwise,translation is not acceptable.Shiat does not care such bindings. It is a very sensitive issue yet reality on ground is to be accepted.But Shiat does not accept nothing.I m sorry, I apprehend that even Gabriel comes down to tell Shiat , God has sent me down to convey u that u Shi at r true people and He said that Shiat is granted Jannah,Shiat will reject and insist on, Let us have assurance of haz Ali for granting us Jannah as we neither recognise u or yr Allah (SWA). I can explore more on the subject as it is useless to do so becz God has sealed their heart and they r deaf and dumb. In the end I would like to ask few questions from Whole Shiat Community,with a challenge and promise that anyone of u in case is able to answer my question,I will convert to Shiat though I m just a Muslim as Quran&Sunah has forbidden in creating division amongst Muslim Community.I m just Muslim,no Sunni,Shia,Wahabi etc etc. Better take off your glasses of Jealousy&Hippocratic,all will become OK. Qs r as under: a.When haz Ali became Khalifa, why he did not allow MUTA, Why Baghe Fidak and other property left by Nabi (saw) was not taken by Haz.Ali, Why 20 Taravih were not banned by Haz.Ali, Why same Zakat System introduced by Haz Abu Baker remained in practice in time of Haz Ali, Why Shahada remained same being Allah is one & ,Mohammand His ,Messenger , ( without inclusion of the wording that Ali is Waliullah and Ali Wasiuallah etc.) Out of remaining , Imams numbering 9/8 (one is missing since his birth) did not cry & beat their bodies) whereas Rasool had forbidden His own daughter not to do so after His own death. The peoples who named Haz Ali as living God, were burnt alive by Haz Ali,those who were captured by Haz Ali himself.But, u still take him as living God. U follow superstitious self made Goddess and insist on yr self created Madhab and self çonnocoted reasonings in support of yr so called Innovated Fiqa/Madhab.So what is difference between u and pre-Islamic Era. Now here is a video tape which is self-exlainatory.May Allah (twt) keep us hallways on right path.Seen.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 02:11:47 +0000

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