These administrators would totally flip if they knew the things we - TopicsExpress


These administrators would totally flip if they knew the things we bring for showing around at home school group days! I am so glad that someone has written this article, as I was beginning to feel quite alone in my position on the compliance-factory prison chambers that the public schools have become. None of us would want to be subjected to these practices in our lives so I am so confused about why parents find the video camera surveillance state, unwarranted searches, random k9 sweeps, etc., acceptable for their children at government school? Truly sad for the children today, this on top of all of the data they are collecting and selling on them through Pearson PowerSchool!: Whitehead then ominously points out a fifth and most important consequence of such policies: turning students into compliant, fearful robots: These policies ... render young people woefully ignorant of the rights they intrinsically possess as American citizens...[Instead] they are being browbeaten into believing that they have no true rights and government authorities have total power and can violate constitutional rights whenever they see fit.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Apr 2014 23:34:51 +0000

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