These all data record/sequence may be you could able to get or may - TopicsExpress


These all data record/sequence may be you could able to get or may be you have you can find-out weather i was there or not !? If not !? how i know all these things !? if yes how can you say that----this is a supreme power of lord----. Note---See last 15 months, i exposed many amazing matters and behave about my devil and divine heart as well... what gone a happened to next---How can we save each other ---but you couldnt save human life---did you !?(Even my madness creatures went to hike my devil heart---now you think it) Of course no, i know that the duty of supreme power or devil heart of supreme lord both cant handled by God/Allah/bhagawan as well--- because they have limited power with them.İf they will get full power by me--- then they will never forget to capture to me as well----so my devil and divine heart have limited power only----Thats why my universe is safe otherwise cant say my friends----- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Good evening all... TPD love all no doubt not at all... 169) Then it started to flow from left to right on internal canal, Where the internal portion is too cold !* After just a minute or minutes of two--- it turn again right to left---, There is too hot area at turning point--philae again gone a hung and hold. ------------------------------------------------------ See stanza (169) The Philae fall in left side of big hole.Inside area build by big hall with a reddish flame that is a internal light of my black-bull (you can say scientific language is rays light of plasma--) .But the hall look like a old fashion British building style. Philae felled/fall-down left hole and flow few meters(5 to 10 meters) distance in that part(Left part)then its turn to right(flow few meters here also---just 5 to 10 meters) took as a internal canal path.This time philae was not fully sink-down on water ---but watery portion just cover philae half leg/body part only--(But philae was lie-down on body part or irregular shape ---the movement was not by leg side---it was gone a move any way) . Again after turning point from right to left(as two canal path) there is watery a big watery pound/ hole inside as well,now philae fall-down there again(internal last touch)---so, there is no chance to move ahead from that dark watery pound/hole with narrow canal---now philae complicatedly got rest/hand-up or sink down inside that watery pound.---From here the philae incapable to show any image for you (for scientist) for all,before the blast. That portion of my bull is very hot mostly in that internal watery pound so unable to bear by philae such a too hot watery pound ----then gone a blast with in a second and two. ! one second or two second image may be you have it the philae where the philae fully completely sink down inside the watery pound before that blast--- ) Before fall down in that pound the water was too cold may be minus (- ) degree as well---. After fall down on pound the philae got very-very hot water(mixed melody water).It contain mixed water very cold as well as very hot but the pound is contain peak point of too hot water like a near about boiling stage. ----So you can image it why philae gone a blast----)These all data record/sequence may be you could able to get or may be you have you can find out weather i was there or not !? If not !? how i know all these things !? if yes how can you say that----this is a supreme power of lord----. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Good afternoon students parents and all, TPD love all no doubt not at all--- 174) My black bull is still not defined me-----so far, How can these five stone stick side by side on sphere shape !? The big part oflong sphere-shape is rolling inside-like a wheels of a mill How?5 different sounds created on different time that part of narrow cafe.!? 175) I asked my black bull ---where is your body- part,? That five stones move ! even i can hear that sound on my earth. He has shown me bottom part of right side of that rolling shape stones--! Not inside of body,not at head But just right bottom part of black bull worth! Just right bottom part..... The poem is incomplete------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tankprasad Dhungand January 10 at 2:24pm · Good evening students and a parents and all, TPD love all no doubt not at all--- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Title of poem----The meaning is same----!? (My black have four internal parts---) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 172) The black-bull have four internal parts, You can see when the snow gone a more melt. Two right and two left like a kite shape you can get it soon, Now, freezing cold atmosphere made a/one sphere shape hold. 173) Right side of a last internal bottom part---of a bull, Like a long sphere shape structural form. Five(5) complete white stones move around that part only, Created 5 different sound with a group of structural term/sum. Note---poem is incomplete----i will make a lovely diagram about these 4 parts as soon as possible----please wait for next feed---- All scientists friends will get some amazing and valuable information time to time---please keep touch on my Facebook continuous---if you can.... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Good morning students parents and all, TPD love all no doubt not at all--, Title of poem----The meaning is same....!? 166) Philae have done 4 touch-down, First(İ) on the head top then bounce away from there !* Now,Second(İİ) touch down between 3 pillars/nails shape area---! Third(İİİ)touch down at the last pillar--when scientists fair harpoon to care. 167) After sometime last nail gone a break---!? When all parts of philae started to work !? Then its gone a move down slowly from narrow channel----! Rest at a in-front of big hole or shadow portion--was a philae last talk. 168) In-front of big hole there is second place,---- Where, three pillars like a bowl shape form with a watery pound. İt was a forth (4)touch down of philae with a last talk to scientists---!? Then it inter near about big hole before blast-during black-bull round.! 169) Then it started to flow from left to right on internal canal, Where the internal portion is too cold !* After just a minute or minutes of two--- it turn again right to left---, There is too hot area at turning point--philae again gone a hung and hold. 170) The philae cant maintain that temperature herself, My black-bull very hot internal temperature that part he has...,! The water gone a evaporate and boil---when canal reach there !, Before blast--Help me my lord if you can !---last words philae said !? 171) There---- she was hung like a lift, When two rope tire down from a lift by main wheel/hill. Every things happened just a second or two, Then it blast like a yellow flame----shape of the particular cell look like a bee hive.!? Look like a ----- Note---Poem is incomplete-----even internal four part of black bull will gone a explain at next feed-----some time latewr on. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=783170311776303&set=pb.100002500238847.-2207520000.1420882533.&type=3& ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Good evening students and a parents and all, TPD love all no doubt not at all--- See, stanza 166 and 167 explain on my words--if you confuse any you can get it soon... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Title of poem----The meaning is same----!? (My black have four internal parts---) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 172) The black-bull have four internal parts, You can see when the snow gone a more melt. Two right or two left like a kite shape you can get it soon, Now, grazing cold atmosphere made a/one sphere shape hold. 173) Right side of a last internal bottom part---of a bull, Like a long sphere shape structural form. Five(5) complete white stones move around that part only, Created 5 different sound with a group of structural turm/sum. Note---poem is incomplete----i will make a lovely diagram about these 4 parts as soon as possible----please wait for next feed---- All scientists friends will get some amazing and valuable information time to time---please keep touch on my facebook continuous---if you can.... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Good morning students parents and all, TPD love all no doubt not at all--, Title of poem----The meaning is same....!? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 166) Philae have done 4 touch-down, First(İ) on the head top then bounce away from there !* Now,Second(İİ) touch down between 3 pillars/nails shape area---! Third(İİİ)touch down at the last pillar--when scientists fair harpoon to care. Note---three pillars/nails area means just little below then Head just next to half moon shape region --Where i have shown the small round circle on my rough sketch--- between three pillars area or region of bull.... This is the III touch down at that last pillar/nail of the same area which look like a sharpen part is broken,now --Sure,it is gone a broke by philae when you fired the harpoon for safety because might be found yourself now the philae gone a rest this time but it happened just opposite what you thought.This time the harpoon gone a fire at last nail region İts just gone a dig/deep for few inch because there is no any more place for harpoon to go to deep more-- reason the philae was lie slop down from left to right on that ground to take a great support of that last number 3rd pillar. When you started all system of philae now last pillar refuses to take load any more even you started to dig on same pillar area/part so made more additional complication for philae then the pillar gone a break and philae gone a drop down through Left side of that nail where the clear remark still shown there---come down trap by trap through the narrow channel----(Note---but it is not come/slip down by right side where the deep channel mark shown clearly because the heavy part of philae body already hung lift side on that nail---,behind on it .)---other clear explain you see on next stanza one by one. 167) After sometime last nail gone a break---!? When all parts of philae started to work !? Then its gone a move down slowly from narrow channel----! Rest at a in-front of big hole or shadow portion--was a philae last talk. ***In-front of big hole means near about last portion of neck or beginning portion/point of black-bull body part where seen like a bowl shape with half moon size along with three sharpen nail pillars here as well(İ have marked it is touch down part İV). ---It is a second place as look as the III touch down as well which i have already mention in my first stanza.Now philae hung there more time because it trap down great force from point (e)---to (g)which i have clear shown on my diagram.....Reason of huge trap from (e) to (g) philae hung on tidally that narrow creak portion of my black-bull -----was a fourth(IV) touch down of philae.After long rest of philae, the great running/moving force of black-bull started to break those narrow creak parts where the phile was hung up ----At last it became lose from its hanging points (At 4 touch down) now this time its gone a fall-down/slip down the neck-part of big hole directly because its happened the opposite motion of both philae and my black- bull as well.There was great chance to fall down through body part but opposite direction of motion and more slop of neck region of black-bull was led to move the philae toward the shoulder/neck side of hole of a black bull---- Note 1)---Again when philae inter the hole its goes to flowed with internal watery canal upward/toward the head part from left to right along with internal canal of my black-bull---, then come down toward neck region before to hung between head to neck of a turning point of internal canals or thought or shoulder part of my black bull----what-ever you like to say as you can-----because many disputed already happened about head, neck,shoulder and body part of my black-bull behind as well -------That i told you behind, a wider strong shoulder part is join from neck to body part of my black bull.You are mention that portion is a neck of CG/P 67. ----So now my advice to you to search the philae between head to neck portion is a best idea to getting remain parts of philae, near future.---that i like to say a strong shoulder of my black bull as well....there is a internal part my black bull have where the philae gone a blast with yellow/deep honey flame--- before it gone to rest--- Note--2) That time i was there thats why i am telling to you confidently ---i was internal part of philae till gone a blast ---after blast i came to top of black bull had i found the head portion is move upward then same ways gone a down-word just like a meter length---Even i found right side a lady with new born child or other three person a man and two young lady came out from my black bulll internal part of head ---that i mention my last poem as well--- Note---3) keep continuous for more other details just i started to mention about internal portion my black bull so need to reach destination ahead---my friends. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From here,--- you can get explain on next feed---if needed---- ------------------------------------------------------------------- 168) In-front of big hole there is second place,---- Where, three pillars like a bowl shape form with a watery pound. İt was a forth (4)touch down of philae with a last talk to scientists---!? Then it inter near about big hole before blast-during black-bull round.! (Stanza 168) is explain where the philae last/4th touch down during its continuous motion.This place is located end part of Neck/shoulder or beginning portion of body about my black bull.The philae continuous talked to scientist to stay longer here/many hours before exposed.Then its inter the hole stay long hours there....) 169) Then it started to flow from left to right on internal canal, Where the internal portion is too cold !* After just a minute or minutes of two--- it turn again right to left---, There is too hot area at turning point--philae again gone a hung and hold. See stanza (169) The Philae fall in left side of big hole.Inside area look big hall with a reddish flame that is a internal light of my black-bull (you can say scientific language is rays light of plasma--) .But the hall look like a old fashion British building style. Philae fall left hole and flew few meters(5 to 10 meters) distance in that part(Left part)then its turn to right(flew few meters here also---just 5 to 10 meters) took as a canal path.This time philae was not full sink-down on water ---watery portion just cover philae half leg/body part only--(But philae was lie-down on body part or irregular shape ---the movement was not by leg side---it was gone a move any way) . Again after turning point from right to left(as two canal path) there is watery big watery pound/ hole inside as well,now philae fall there ---so, no chance to move ahead from that dark watery pound/hole with narrow canal---now philae complicatedly got hand-up or sink down inside that watery pound---here the philae incapable to show any image for you too,(for scientist) before the bluest. The area is very hot in that internal watery pound so unable to bear by philae such a too hot pound----then gone a blast with in second and two. ! one second or may be two second image you have the philae fully sink down inside the water pound before blast--- ) Before fall down in that pound the water was too may be - degree or after fall down on pound the philae got water is a high boiling point----so you can image it why philae gone a blast----)These all data record/sequence may be you can got it or may be you have you can find-out weather i was there or not !? If not !? how i know all these things !? if yes how can you say that----this is a supreme power of lord----. 170) The philae cant maintain that temperature herself, My black-bull very hot internal temperature that part he has...,! The water gone a evaporate and boil---when canal reach there !, Before blast--Help me my lord if you can !---last words philae said !? 171) There---- she was hung like a lift, When two rope tire down from a lift by main wheel/hill. Every things happened just a second or two, Then it blast like a yellow flame----shape of the particular cell look like a bee hive.!? Look like a ----- Note---Poem is incomplete-----even internal four part of black bull will gone a explain at next feed-----some time latewr on. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=783170311776303&set=pb.100002500238847.-2207520000.1420882533.&type=3&
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 16:24:58 +0000

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