These are a few photos I took today as Kathleen Bachman of - TopicsExpress


These are a few photos I took today as Kathleen Bachman of LaVeranda was laid to rest in a crypt in the Bocas Cemetary. Most of you have felt the heartwrenching grief that accompanies the unexpected death of a beloved family member. Can you imagine how Kathleens sister, Karen, felt today as she buried her murdered sister? I call this a tragedy. Worthy of Shakespeare. I saw Karen Tuesday in the office of the Personaria filing my stolen boat report. Larry Shane, the Bocas Representative for the US Embassy in Panama, brought Karen and her best friend and business partner, Beverly, into the office. I didnt know who she was at the time. I was in a foul mood over my boat theft, then saw this woman with deep circles surrounding puffy eyes, on the verge of tears, gazing into space with a deer in the headlights aura surrounding her. The two young black men sitting in the chairs got up and offered their seats. That made me smile, because all of us in the room sensed her pain, and of their own accord, these young men wanted to do something to help. Good manners are appreciated, and noticed as they helped her down into her chair. I smiled wide at this sight, a glimmer of hope for our troubled town. It was then I saw Karen look up at me, tears rimming her pain filled eyes. Sweet Jesus. I went over to her, and asked her if she was okay, and if there was anything I could do. (I know...stupid thing for me to say, but it just popped out!) In a weary voice, she told me they just arrived in Bocas, and were here to bury her sister who had been killed. Sweet Jesus. That was one of those moments when I knew instinctively she needed a long, compassionate, and comforting hug. And thus, we became friends as she told her story, as did Bev, and we spent the rest of the day talking about life choices, while we waited to finish our business. Larry helped with the legal system, they arranged for permits, construction of a crypt, ordering a coffin, and the rest of those god forsaken tasks she has to deal with, while in shock over the murder of her sister, to stabilize affairs and bury her. She did that today, amidst a dozen people, at a small ceremony officiated by Larry, with about a dozen people in attendance. Karen wrote the eulogy quoting from Ecclesiastes: For everything there is a season A time for every purpose under heaven. A time to be born A time to die.... Yall know it. Friends told their Kathleen stories, putting smiles on faces, before the mason started sealing the crypt. I saw a tender part of Curtis, as he laid fresh cut heleconias, saying goodbye to Kathleen, his best friend. The life of a single, 62 yr. old woman, a local business owner, sealed in a crypt. Her life violently taken by an employee, over petty theft. The last thing Karen said to me before leaving: At least she did everything she wanted to do. A stellar tribute. We could hope people will say the same thing about ussomeday....without being murdered. My unsolicited suggestions: 1. Crime is currently accepted as a part life in Bocas by the expat community. I We need to see it as unacceptable. This is no way for decent human beings to live. It iss too bad to be kept quiet for tourism purposes. 2. The Bocas judicial system needs to address criminal behavior seriously, assigning long term sentences in the state penitentiary, not necessarily the Hotel California in Changuinola.. Prison space limitations can be alleviated if non-violent criminals (embezzlement/minor drug trafficking) are placed in a different facility. 2. A dedicated sub-committee of the Chamber of Commerce is needed to develop a vision of what you want Bocas to look like in 25 years, identify the components to fulfill the visionary goal, and establish processes to actualize the future of Bocas. Left of its own accord, it will continue its spiral trend downwards, resulting in losr real estate values. 3. Expats with residency need to participate in local government to effect change. Its time for a change. Who will pick up the mantle, and lead...or will anyone?
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 05:54:25 +0000

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