These are all good points but incomplete, who will open the 7th - TopicsExpress


These are all good points but incomplete, who will open the 7th Seal or has it been opened? The man Isa was the same birth as Horus, created in the womb of his mother. An example of the power of Allah, as sated in Quran He simply says Be and it is. Isa was not and will never be God. And if you read Mathew 24, you will see he completely admonishes his Apostles for telling the people such. Yet he is the embodiment of the power of Gods will and fulfillment of his words to the Jinn, Iblis or Shatant that he would creat a man he could not tempt with sin, or the Anointed one. Also as was Horus if you look at the Hyroglipics concerning him you will see he is being anointed with Olive Oil, so was Isa. On the mount of Olives anointed into the priesthood of the Maji. The story if Isa states he was taking into the land of his ancestors the HOUSE OF DAVID. This is because he was taken to Africa by Joseph his father and Mary his mother to flee the Romans. The Romans then allies with the Persians conspired against God Allah to create their polytheistic belief in the world as the most powerful of religions and once and for all destroy Egypt as the center of Faith and the idea of Auset, and Ausar, the equality of man and woman and creat the lie of a weak and worthless female. Since at that time the most powerful state in Italy was Athens that was based on the worship of Athena being powerful and a warrior capable of standing by a man on the field of battle and bringing Victory to the cause of Justice. Rome need to ring all the states of Italy under the Empire of Rome, with the failure of Agustus Ceasar and Mark Antony in bringing Cleopatra to her knees to worship their idols and Egypt with her they sought after the Prophetic house of the Hebrews the house of the Pharo David. They destroyed the library at Luxor University where the knowledge of the DEVINE SPIRIT was kept and instated their Polytheistic belief of GODS and brought Chaos back to life in the world order. Using the Secrets of the order of the Magi called invocation of words or the Qabalah, the created the word JESUS, the letter J or Yod,represents the manifestation of power and represents the hand of man pointing his finger its value is 10. The letter E or Aim signifies hearing, it represents the ear of man or the interior part. Everything devoid of HARMONY it represents 70. The letter S or Samech it represents the bow of heaven or the great cosmic string which hisses in the hand of mankind representing the limited circumference of the sphere it represents 60. The letter U they stole from the sound Tau, which signifies reciprocity. The Ancient Egyptians regarded this letter as a symbol of the universal Soul its number is 400. So we have the numbers 10+ 70+ 60+ 60+ 400=600 the number of years the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE RULED THE WORLD until the invention of Protestant theory of Christianity. 600 years of the down trod of Woman rule which was broken by the rule of Elizabeth the first Queen of England the first woman ruler of a powerful state since Cleopatra.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 00:57:06 +0000

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