These are all my words, my life, my blood, nothing is stolen or - TopicsExpress


These are all my words, my life, my blood, nothing is stolen or plaigarized. I am proud to say while in school not once had I ever cheated, not one iota. My life here has been comprised of consistently near-fatal unmaskings of the ultimate truth of my existence, not others. If I am to know your utter truth, I must uncover and become a master of my own. My teachers were Plato, Aristotle, Diogenes, Cato, Epicurous, Sartré, Kafka, Kant, Heidegger, Nietschze, Jaspers, Burroughs, Bukowski, Goethe, Cooper, etc.My keys to a higer comprehension of the meaning and depth therein were the King James, The New Aramaic Bible, The Baghavagad Gita, the Enuma Elish, The Egyptian Book of Going Forth by Day, Isis Unveiled, the Epic of Gilgamesh, The Emerald Tablets of Thoth, The lost tablet of Enki, all grimoires of Solomon, The teachings of Zoroaster, etc. My desire now is to learn Basque, Aramaic, Coptic, brush up un my French, recover Akkadian cuneiform understanding, that predates Sumerian (recently thought of as the oldest written language on earth) and is known as "The language of the birds." I have dedicated my life in all entirety to uncovering the root of existence and preparing myself for what is to come, which is what my ancestors (Egyptians) have been doing for aeons.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Jun 2013 23:16:42 +0000

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