These are his words today: Therefore, after seeking the face of - TopicsExpress


These are his words today: Therefore, after seeking the face of God, in quiet reflection with my family and having listened to the call of our people nationwide to run, I, Goodluck Ebele Azikiwe Jonathan, have accepted to re-present myself, on the platform of The Peoples’ Democratic Party, for re-election as the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, in the 2015 General Elections. Yet here are the facts on ground: 1. PRESIDENT OLUSEGUN OBASANJO (1999-2007) EXTERNAL DEBT: Inherited: $30 billion Cleared : $18 billion Paid: $ 12 billion Dollars Left: $3,348.22bn -2007 FOREIGN RESERVE Inherited: $3.7 billion (1999) Left: $45.0 billion (2007) NB: As at 2003, Oil Price Per Barrel was $30 and it was at $90 when he left. 2. UMARU MUSA YAR ADUA (2007 - 2009) EXTERNAL DEBT: Inherited: $3,348.22 billion Left: $3.94 billion Dollars EXTERNAL RESERVE Inherited : $45.0 billion Grew To: $63 billion in September, 2008 Left : $47. 7 billion (As at Dec 31st 2009 when Jonathan took over as Overseer ) N/B: The reserve grew when the price of Crude Oil was$147 per barrel. It slided in Mid 2008 during the recession, when the crude price fell to $35 per barrel in 2009, till his death. 3. PRESIDENT GOODLUCK JONATHAN: EXTERNAL DEBT Inherited : $3.94 billion Dollars As At Now : $9.3 billion Dollars FOREIGN RESERVE : Inherited : $47. 7 billion (As At December 31st, 2009) As At Now : $38.2BILLION N/B: Of the $9.3 billion EXTERNAL DEBT, Federal Government’s owes $6.36b , while ALL 36 States plus FCT owes $3.0 billion As at 2010, Oil Price was at $89 per barrel. As at 2011, It was $103 per barrel. As at Now it is $100 per barrel Meaning, Jonathan has access to more more money than Yar Adua, but he depleted the Foreign Reserve and Still Purge Us into Further Debt With NOTHING to show. But he is bold enough to say God and the people have asked him to accept a second term challenge. Your choice, friends!
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 18:11:05 +0000

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