These are my babies that 2 bimbos in a post earlier today - TopicsExpress


These are my babies that 2 bimbos in a post earlier today implied that I dont care about just because they are Republican bimbos (Lois Jones Buford and Erica Humphreys Pfieffer), and they didnt like my satirical anti-republican post that I made. Again, the stupidity of the republicans was immense to the following satire, which means it was joke, or charade, morons. Also, absurdly, a cop, or, a pig, named Stroup, or Stoup, more accurately, from redneck land, Missouri, said, I would go to prison for my satire, charade, farce, my joke. I guess he thought we were in North Korea, or Iran. Again, I suggested, satirically, which means I was joking republicans, that the public executions would consist of these rich republicans, being drawn and quartered, and that we would have a bonfire with these body parts, and that we would cook hot dogs on this fire. Again, moronic republicans, this was satire, which means I was joking! And, again, the conservative, hateful, and vile homophobic comments and slurs were typical of the mindless bigots that most Republicans are, and especially the ones who mad these hateful comments, and, the outrage was astounding, and the personal insults, and threats were too numerous to count; really, I think what really got these assholes going was suggesting that Sarah Palin, and Michelle Bachman, and any one who ever worked at Fox News would either be drawn and quartered or burned alive--at the stake, depending on whether they male or female, and of course, this included high profile republicans, fat ass Rush Limbaugh and Bill ORielley, and Sean Hanity. Again, this is what made the Neanderthals restless. Again, this was a farce, satire, which means I was joking ----morons! Let me try again. I recently posted a satirical post about republicans where I suggested, satirically, that all republicans above 10 million dollars in net worth would be publicly executed in front of Washington Monument and the degree of homophobic hateful remarks was unbelievable that I received, as well as personal threats. It was unbelievable! I knew republicans were stupid, but not this stupid. It was a farce, idiots! And this means I was joking! Let me try again. I recently posted a satirical post about republicans where I suggested, satirically, that all republicans above 10 million dollars in net worth would be publicly executed in front of Washington Monument---and the degree of homophobic hateful remarks was unbelievable that I received, as well as personal threats. It was unbelievable! I knew republicans were stupid, but not this stupid. It was a farce, idiots! And this made the Neanderthals restless! My doggies and i just chillin
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 01:24:34 +0000

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