These are odd days... Belated Happy Thanksgiving Friends! - TopicsExpress


These are odd days... Belated Happy Thanksgiving Friends! Something weird happened today... I have been roasting the turkey and preparing sides as we will have our Thanksgiving meal tomorrow. (Darrell has been scheduled all week at his temporary, part-time job and tomorrow he is off work). This is the second year that I have prepared the turkey a day in advance. Last year Darrell and I did it together and liked having it out of the way. There was only one thing I hadnt thoroughly considered in planning this years feast. For those of you that know me well, you know that I am completely appalled at even the idea of butchering a bird, animal, a fish, you name it...I dont DO that! (I do, however, do windows.) My dear Lord has graciously, for all of my life, provided nice, clean, portioned products wrapped ever so kindly in shiny cellophane at various merchants. With Christmas music blaring, the dog napping, and the turkey done and nicely rested, I realized that I was going to have to get creative to get the turkey into the fridge. Rearranging the contents of the fridge did not afford enough room, so take the bird apart I must. Ugh! No other choice! Darrell was not here to perform the gruesome task so I determined to man-up and get er done. I struggled with the bird, finally grabbing a wing with one bare hands and the body with another, ripping them apart to the sounds of cracks and crunches. Suddenly I thought to employ a method of drowning out the sounds by doing something I used to do as a child when I didnt want to hear someone--I began singing at the top of my lungs. I joined in the song playing just at the moment Billy Gilman was repeating the lyrics, Its the warm and fuzzy time of year. After I belted out those words with Billy, I almost apologized to the mangled bird in front of me that required even further dismembering! The dog came into the kitchen then, and plunked himself into his little soldier position which is his way of hoping for a morsel. Though rarely indulged, hes a dog, always hopeful. I looked at him, then at the grotesque poultry in front of me and was tempted to throw the lot of it to him. Remembering the danger in poultry bones, I rethunk and continued on with the wrangling. The next song on the album came on, Winter Wonderland. If you remember, not far into the song are the words, a beautiful sight, were happy tonight, walking in a winter wonderland. Gone away is the bluebird, here to stay is the new bird. He sings a love song as we go along... Oh me. Apologizing just wouldnt cut it, no pun intended...
Posted on: Sat, 30 Nov 2013 23:40:31 +0000

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