These are responses to my email that I sent to every Senator and - TopicsExpress


These are responses to my email that I sent to every Senator and Legislator that had a contact listed: Re: gun control Rob LaClair ([email protected]) To: Richard Ley I agree with you Sent from my iPad On Jan 13, 2015, at 12:04 PM, Richard Ley wrote: Representative Rob LaClair, I am asking that you vote NO to changes on Vermonts current gun laws. I am a lifelong Vermonter and we take pride in OUR rights and carefully protect them. Please do not forget that these rights are CONSTITUTIONALLY PROTECTED. Who are these people that are claiming to be GunSenseVT? Where are they from? What are their true intentions? Who is funding them. Why are they in VERMONT a state free of gun problems? Gunsense is not a grass roots organization, it is out-of-staters being backed by out-of-state financiers. We need complete transparency on this issue. This is a subject that should be studied carefully. It should not just be pushed through without much consideration by those representing the rights of VERMONTERS and a good reason to do so. Points I would like to stress are: 1. Vermonts Laws Work 2. Vermont is constantly one of the lowest violent crime rate states.... 3. Vermont is consistently one of the best gun safety states. 4. Vermont is not a major source of guns for other states. 5. New Vermont gun control laws are a solution in search of a problem. I will be looking forward to your response on this issue. Thanking you in advance, Richard Ley This is the same letter I emailed to all Senators and Legislators Re: gun control Fred Baser ([email protected]. To: Richard Ley Hi Richard, I believe Vermonts firearm laws are fine as they now exist. Fred Sent from my iPad Re: gun control Barbara Rachelson ([email protected]) To: Richard Ley \Dear Richard, Thank you for taking the time and for sharing your opinions with me. I believe GunSenseVT is a VT nonprofit group thats membership is made up of Vermonters. But, you can probably look on their website if you want more information. Richard, I am wondering if you live in Chittenden 6-6, and if so, if you wouldnt mind sharing your address with me. Its great to hear from Vermonters and even most important to hear from my consituents. Barbara Sent from my iPad Catherine Toll (kittytoll@live) To: Richard Ley Hello Richard, Thank you for contacting me and sharing your concerns on possible gun legislation. I have not been presented with a bill at this time and when I do I can assure you I will keep an open mind and weigh my decision carefully based on committee testimony and fact. Thank you. Kitty Norman Mcallister ([email protected]) To: Richard Ley I agree with you and am a gun rights person Senator Norm Paul Lefebvre ([email protected]) To: Richard Ley Ill keep my eye open, Richard, but have seen no bill yet to approve Burlingtons new gun ordinances. Expect if it materializes, will get a cool reception from all us NEK legislators. Thanks for your interest. Best, Paul L Marianna Gamache ([email protected]) 1/13/15 To: Richard Ley Cc: [email protected] I am with you on this issue. I m opposed to gun control.........Marianna Sent from my iPad Dave Potter ([email protected]) 1/13/15 To: Richard Ley Hi Richard----Thanks for weighing in on the gun ownership issue. Since being in the Legislature (10 years now), my stand on gun control has been the same. The laws we have now are working fine, and we dont need change. I think we are on the same sheet of music! Best, Dave P. Michael Marcotte ([email protected]) 1/13/15 To: Richard Ley Hi Richard, I agree with you. Mike Marcotte Barbara Murphy ([email protected]) 1/13/15 To: Richard Ley Thank you for taking time to contact me. Barbara Scott Beck ([email protected]) 1/13/15 To: Richard Ley Richard, Good afternoon; we agree on a lot. Please include what town you hail from in future correspondence. Best, Scott Marcia Martel ([email protected]) 1/13/15 To: Richard Ley Believe me I know your concerns. I am not in favor of gun control Marcia Matthew Trieber (matrieber@gmail) 1/13/15 To: Richard Ley Dear Richard, I have not been, nor am I now supportive of any of the gun control ideas Ive heard discussed in the legislature. Matt Rodney Graham ([email protected]) 1/13/15 To: Richard Ley Richard I very much believe in the right to bear arms, I would vote no on any changes that affect that. Representative Rodney Graham Ronald Hubert ([email protected]) 1/13/15 To: Richard Ley Thank you for the note . As a member of the house going on seven years You will find I have and will now vote to uphold our gun laws as they are Today . Rep. Ron Hubert Tom Stevens ([email protected]) 1/13/15 To: Richard Ley Thank you for your email. The 2013-14 biennium ended on Saturday, May 10, 2014. I will be checking this email less frequently during the summer, fall and early winter. If you are expecting a reply, please be patient, and I will return your message when I am able. Francis McFaun ([email protected]) 1/13/15 To: Richard Ley Hi Richard; I have always said we have enough gun laws in Vermont. unless something happens to change that feeling we dont need more laws.Thankyou for contacting me you live in Barretown Richard?. Clem Bissonnette ([email protected]) 1/13/15 To: Richard Ley I will support background checks for ALL fire arms purchases including gun shows Clem Paul Poirier ([email protected]) 1/13/15 To: Richard Ley I have never voted for any gun restriction nor do I intend to Mark Huntley ([email protected]) 1/13/15 To: Richard Ley Richard-- What town are you in? MH Jim Condon (jimcondon@lycos) 1/13/15 To: Richard Ley Thanks, Richard. All good points! Best Regards, Rep. Jim Condon Colchester Anne Donahue ([email protected]) 1/13/15 To: Richard Ley Hello, This email is checked less frequently during the off-session. Please use [email protected] for a quicker response. Thanks, Anne Steve Beyor ([email protected]) 1/13/15 To: Richard Ley dick,let me assure you that I will not vote for any legislation that restricts in any way, the rights ofGUN OWNERS in Vermont. As a member of the NRA, I agree with your 5 points. Steve Beyor Sarah Buxton ([email protected]) 1/13/15 To: Richard Ley Thank you for your email. If you would like a personal response to your message, please forward it to sbuxton@gmail and type LEGISLATIVE in the subject line. Thanks again Patrick Brennan ([email protected]) 1/13/15 To: Richard Ley Hi Richard , yes I definitely with you on this issue. Another one of my roles here is that I chair the legislative Sportsmans caucus. This is a priority of mine. State Representative Patrick Brennan Chair house Transportation Phone 802 578 2763 Home 802 863 3773 Lynn Batchelor ([email protected]) 1/13/15 To: Richard Ley I agree that gun control is fine the way it is! Lynn Mark Higley ([email protected]) 1/13/15 To: Richard Ley Richard, Sorry about that, Ill respond later when I have more time! ~ Mark Anne Donahue ([email protected]) 1:35 AM To: Richard Ley Dear Richard, Thanks for writing! I received an excellent handbook yesterday from the Gun Owners of Vermont that outlines your points, with all of the supporting documents attached. This will be very helpful in uniting in our effort to block any changes from our existing laws, which are serving us perfectly well. Anne Larry Fiske ([email protected]) 1/14/15 To: Richard Ley Richard: Youre absolutely right, we must defend and preserve our right to bear arms. Im a hunter and member of the NRA. I dont think we need more laws on gun control or background checks. We have laws now that do the job. Thanks for your inquiry. Larry Fiske State Representative Enosburg/Montgomery - Franklin 7 Helen Head (helen@helenhead) 1/14/15 To: Richard Ley Dear Richard, Thank you for your email and interest in gun control. I do not recognize your name from my voter list….but sometimes there are updates that I’m unaware of. Would you kindly let me know where you live in South Burlington? Best, Helen ********************************************************************** Jim McCullough ([email protected]) 1/14/15 To: Richard Ley Dear Richard, Two years ago, I voted to broaden gun possession (uses) by voting out of our committee the right to carry a side arm while bow hunting. It made perfect sense. I wait to see what the proposed legislation makes sense for tightening loopholes in registration and purchase may be before I comment. As for who is GunSenseVT? they are Willistonians and Vermonters from around the state. Are you a Vermonter? From where? Best, Jim Jim McCullough 1/14/15 To: Richard Ley Dear Richard,I have not; only gotten postcards from my towns people in support of change. I have also gotten notes along the same line as yours. Jim On Jan 14, 2015, at 12:10 PM, Richard Ley wrote: Dear Jim, First I want to thank you for your response. I am a lifelong Vermonter as I stated in my email to everyone. I am 66 years old and have been here a long time. I have seen so many changes take place that have been detrimental to Vermonters because we FOLLOW what the rest of the country is doing. Vermonters have spoken very clearly to the Legislature and Senators of our Great State by being the safest place in the nation with the least restrictive laws. There is a reason for is because we value what we have! There are many places where gun laws have been implemented that have led to black market sales and more gun violence. I do not want us to become one of these places but with the passage of these laws it is proven that is what happens. As we see on the news all too frequently criminals obtain their guns through theft. I really wish someone could make me understand how changing our current laws are going to prevent this. Criminals will be criminals regardless of the laws imposed on them and the forced changes to the LAW ABIDING citizens of Vermont. We have seen school murders take place in GUN FREE ZONES! WHY? We have seen gun crimes rise where guns are outlawed! WHY? Because criminals do not obey laws whatever they are. Does anyone really believe we need changes to our laws that violate the Vermont Constitution or that they are really necessary in the SAFEST state in the nation? We have survived well without some national agenda attacking our state. Vermonters are proud, cautious gun owners. We have been this way for years and years. We do not have problems here nor do we have the need to create them. Vermont has always been a LEADER not a FOLLOWER and there is no need to change that so I am asking your support in voting NO to any changes in our already proven method of gun control. I live in Clarendon, VT and I am contacting all Legislators and Senators who will be voting on this issue because their vote has a profound effect on all law abiding Vermonters. May I respectfully ask if you have ever attended any of the GunSenseVT advertised forums or been approached by them privately and seen their presentation of supposed facts? Where is all of their funding coming from? I think this is an avenue that needs to be transparent. Thank you, Richard Ley ************************************************************************ miltonrealtor@aol (miltonrealtor@aol) 1/14/15 Richard, Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts on this very important issue. I have no intention at this time to support any changes to the gun laws in Vermont. Don -----Original Message----- From: Richard Ley To: dturner Sent: Tue, Jan 13, 2015 1:36 pm Subject: gun control Representative Don Turner, Richard Lawrence ([email protected]) 1/14/15 To: Richard Ley I am supportive of your comments. Rep. Dick lawrence Ann Pugh ([email protected]) 1/14/15 To: Richard Ley Thank you very much for your email. I apologize for this standard response, but without a snail mail address and phone, I am not able to respond. Thank you for understanding the limitations of no staff. Gary Viens ([email protected]) 1/14/15 To: Richard Ley Mr. Ley, Thank you for your e-mail. I FULLY support the second amendment and would NEVER support any law that would take away any of our gun laws and right to bear arms! You have my word on that........ Thanks again, Gary Robert Starr ([email protected]) 1/14/15 To: Richard Ley Hi Richard, I feel the gun laws in Vermont a just find. Thanks Sen.Starr Martin LaLonde ([email protected]) 1/14/15 To: Richard Ley Richard, Thank you for giving me your input. Although I am a long-time hunter and gun owner, I do not have preconceived notions about the advisability of any changes to Vermonts current gun laws. Should bills come before me seeking changes, I will listen carefully to the various viewpoints and will to the best of my ability exercise my judgment in deciding how to vote on such proposals. thanks, Martin Maida Townsend ([email protected]) 1/14/15 To: Richard Ley Good evening, Mr. Ley. I believe that universal background checks will likely come up. Here is my thinking on that topic: Background checks will not stop criminals from violating laws. None of our laws necessarily stop criminals from violating laws; we nonetheless have laws. I do hope that there will be a meaningful discussion about universal background checks. Perhaps common ground can be found. I look forward to a continuing dialogue. Thanks for initiating the conversation. Best regards, Maida F. Townsend State Representative Chittenden 7-4 Joe Benning ([email protected]) 1/14/15 To: Richard Ley Richard: I havent seen any bill as yet, but philisophically Im on your side with this one. When the bill is released, please get back to me with your thoughts. Joe Benning State Senator & Minority Leader Caledonia-Orange District Marjorie Ryerson ([email protected]) 1/14/15 To: Richard Ley Thanks for your email, Richard Ley. I am unable to commit to anything over an issue with which Ive received very little information. Lets see how this develops in the weeks ahead. Thanks again for writing me, Marjorie Ryerson Mark Higley ([email protected]) 1/14/15 To: Richard Ley Richard, I am an avid hunter, member of the legislative sportsmen caucus and have been a member of the NRA since I got out of the service in 1978. I agree that Vermont does not need to change its current laws regarding gun control. I hope if new laws are proposed, men, women and sportsmen groups throughout Vermont make their voices heard loud and clear. The Governor may also be an opponent of new legislation!? Thanks for your input! Rep. Mark Higley Lowell Brian Savage ([email protected]) 1/13/15 To: Richard Ley Dear Mr. Ley, I agree with you 100% and rest assured I will not be voting for any changes in Vermonts gun laws. Regards Senator Kevin Mullin, kjmbjm@aol (kjmbjm@aol) 1/13/15 To: cycle73@hotmail I will vote NO. -----Original Message----- From: Richard Ley To: kjmbjm Sent: Tue, Jan 13, 2015 02:09 PM Subject: gun control John Rodgers ([email protected]) 1/13/15 To: Richard Ley I will protect our second amendment rights. John Brian Collamore ([email protected]) 1/13/15 To: Richard Ley Richard, I was very clear in the campaign this summer that I would not vote to change any of the current Vermont statues regarding guns. I maintain that position now. I believe what we have now works very well for responsible Vermonters and do not see a need to change our laws. Senator Brian Collamore ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1/15/2015 Joey Purvis ([email protected]) 1:07 PM To: Richard Ley I plan on keeping my A rating with NRA. I will vote no on any gun control laws. Joey Purvis Colchester
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 02:02:49 +0000

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