These are strange and worrisome times in our country. Millions - TopicsExpress


These are strange and worrisome times in our country. Millions have flocked to our shores over the history of our country. This stampede of humanity was not because they wanted to shop at Walmart or eat at KFC. It was because of the freedom that people in this country enjoy, under our Constitution. Their is no caste system in the United States. Citizens can make their way in our society and actually achieve greatness if that is what their desires are, thanks to our Constitution. All citizens can vote here now, although it wasnt always that way, it is now. Looking back on our history, I cant recall immigrants from any other country that demanded that the United States change its English language. I cant recall any group of immigrants in the history of this country that demanded that we abandon our Constitution, (the very reason they are even here), and adopt a different set of beliefs and laws . . . not until now. We have opened our shores to everyone, now even to those that fail to follow the legal process to get to the United States. We are an accommodating and forgiving country . . . that is the nature of our society. Yet, now we face the advent of a huge group of immigrants that no longer want to respect our laws, our freedoms and our presence as a country. Now that they were able to get here, they want us to abandon the very laws that brought them here and replace that with their religion and the laws dictated by their religion. Their religion allows them to use violence to do this. To me, that does not appear to be a religion of peace and tranquillity can only be found if you convert to their religion. Now that their numbers have ballooned in this country, it appears that they are bolder now in their demands, more so than ever before. So, what happens if our city government, State governments and our Federal government refuses? Their sheer numbers allow violence, as weve recently seen in other parts of the world. We must not fold to this rebellion against our society. We must not allow terrorist acts to sway our root beliefs in freedom and it now appears that any attempt to destroy the foundations of the United States must be met with swift, strong and determined leadership that recognizes that effort for what it is. Now is not the time to hold hands in a circle and sing Kumbyah! (spllg) Now is the time for our leaders to state clearly, Welcome to our country, but if you transgress against our laws, our people, we will banish you forcefully. If you use force against our country, our people . . . you will perish.
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 15:50:50 +0000

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