These are the 11 arbitrarily detained people: 1.- Tania Ivón - TopicsExpress


These are the 11 arbitrarily detained people: 1.- Tania Ivón Damián Rojas: 21 years old, 3rd semester student majoring in sociology at the National Autonomous University (UNAM). According to her family members, the complaint is that she was beaten by federal police agents (she has bruises on her arms and contusions on the right eye). 2.- Hillary AnalíGonzález Olguín: Political science student at UNAM. The complaint is that she was brutally beaten, her ribs are injured, there is an internal hemorrhage in her eye, and her face was hit. According to her family, federal police agents threw her on the floor and kicked her. Her mom declared: “I spent almost 24 hours looking for my daughter. Her only crime was to demand justice.” 3.- Liliana Garduño Ortega: Continuing studies high-school student, single mother. She was taking pictures near Zócalo (the main square) when she was pushed by a group of people who were running from the police. She was then grabbed by police agents who kicked her head when she was knocked to the floor. She has severe contusions. 4.- Isaac Domínguez Ayala: 31 years old, former student of Psychology at UNAM. He was arbitrarily detained during the November 20th operation conducted by Federal and the Mexico City police. Some family members report that no one has been able to see him (as of 12pm, November 22nd); there is no information about his health situation, and he was not allowed to choose legal aid. Isaac works at Revolución Hotel. The last time he was in communication with his family, he said he would join the march demonstration in the company of Atzin (also a detainee). He was wearing a blue and yellow shirt; out of fear, when he was detained, he gave the false name of Ramón (this is the name that appears in the detainees lists). 5.-Laurence Maxwell Ilabaca: 47 years old, he is a PhD student at UNAM getting a degree in Spanish literature. Besides being a musician, he had the nickname of “Moro”(The Moor). He was detained while buying tamales. He did not participate in the march demonstration. His migratory situation is complicated given that he is a citizen of Chile and could be deported. The Chilean Embassy has not provided consular advisory and his lawyer was assigned by the local authorities; he has not been allowed to change for a lawyer of his own. 6.-Atzín Andrade González: 29 years old, art student at La Esmeralda, school of the National Institute of Fine Arts (INBA). He was part of his school’s marching group, however he got lost during the march and then was cornered in the area of conflict. He was detained in the Zócalo. He was hit on the legs which prevents him from walking well. 7.-Hugo Bautista Hernández: 22 years old, 3rd semester student at UNAM, majoring in sociology. His family states that while he was detained, he was brutally hit by agents of the Mexico City police and the Federal police. His ribs and one of his eyes are severely injured. 8.- Juan Daniel López Ávila: 18 years old, he is a member of the Guelatao Cooperative and the Independent Popular Front Francisco Villa (FPFVI). 9.-Luis Carlos Pichardo Moreno: 45 years old. Graduate from Film University (Centro de Estudios Cinematográficos). 10.-Roberto César Jasso del Ángel: 20 years old, student from Ecatepec in Mexico state. 11.-Francisco García Martínez: we have no information.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 00:55:16 +0000

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