These are the before and after photos of Roxie the Pitbull that - TopicsExpress


These are the before and after photos of Roxie the Pitbull that was rescued by Noahs Arks Rescue and rushed to emergency surgery. She is recovering from the operation that removed an 8-pound tumor. Everyone I know has been supportive of her owner who tried to get medical advice and was rebuffed by the negativity and misinformation given by veterinarians who insisted on either putting his 6-year old dog down, or making wild estimations about the personal costs to him for surgery. Regardless of his concern for his beloved Roxie, I encountered a barrage of negative comments when her photos were posted. Some people called it neglectful and others went so far as calling it abuse. Her daddy loves her very much, but the last time I looked vet services, including specialists surgery, hospital , and medication IS NOT FREE! Its insulting and outrageous for anyone to cast aspersions because these costs are far beyond the modest income of most people. The agony of having to kill his best friend because he didnt have unlimited money for emergency surgery was emotionally draining, but he refused to accept that. He reached out to a friend who started networking her photos and the great people at NAR jumped in to offer their expertise and very talented team of surgeons to get help for Roxie. I know that the people who were expressing negativity were really dog lovers, but were unfortunately associating the many dog-abuse horrors with this very different situation. I felt bad for her daddy and made a point of defending him whenever I read a mean comment. I have 6 dogs and I dread they day that I may be in a similar situation. My heart goes out to his agonizing struggle to help his sweet dog. This is a common theme in animal rescue and really the reason many of the rescue orgs focus so much on fundraising and donation pleas. This makes me ask the question: Would everyone been supportive if her photo was shared when the growth was only golfball sized? I see a community unwilling to help as much when its not an obvious emergency. It makes me understand why Roxies owner got nowhere with help until it was an emergency. I understand, its the exact same reason animal rescue groups can only motivate giving when a dog at a shelter is in the eleventh hour of being euthanized. Its true, ask anyone who does animal rescue fundraising. They will say that undoubtably, its, the histrionic pleading to SAVE THIS DOG! at the last minute that gets those donations rolling in. I believe that this narrative works because it includes the donors as one of the heros that rallied to rescue the animal. Im hoping we can all be a lot less judgemental when it comes to the polarizing pathology of an animal at-risk. We never know if our harshness has soured animal lovers from getting involved in animal rescue. And we need all the support we can get. HANG IN THERE SWEET ROXIE!
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 03:13:14 +0000

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