These are the films Im stuck with... I hardly watch films these - TopicsExpress


These are the films Im stuck with... I hardly watch films these days, I cant just sit on my ass for prolonged periods-- I have to get on my feet, think on my feet... Aye, if youre clocking 55 hours weekly on your duff, youre likely a shoo-in candidate for diabetes, obesity, sluggishness, heart ailments, strokes... 1. Fiddler on the Roof-- Norman Jewison, aah, the celebration of a tough yet happy life; how small steps and daring can erode, rip out tradition and pave the way for the new... 2. Godfather II -- Francis Ford Coppola, one scene left me wondering, that is, if subcutaneous belly fat of a slob caves in on the viscera after the blade does a thorough slicing... 3. The Twilight Samurai - Yoji Samada, another celebration of the tough life, raising ones offspring and senile parent and acquitting ones skills in mortal engagement. 4. Scorpio Nights (1985) - Peque Gallaga, essays a thesis on degradation of values and descent into animal coupling when cramped spaces and relentless noise strips away at the human. 5. East of Eden - Elia Kazan... so disturbing but heartwarming as Caleb (James Dean) comes to terms with having a whore for a mom and a Bible-belching pure bastard for a father. 6. Seven Samurai - Akira Kurosawa provides the finer points and finesses of ground combat... and this bristles with emotional intensity. 7. Shoot Em Up (2007) - Michael Davis, runs on a rock n roll rhythm... this violent, so dark comedy taught me how to infuse such frenzied pacing and smooth-as-gunshot sequencing in scripts... 8. Zatoichi - Shintaru Katsu... the gory violence erupts in the blinking of an eye but the celebration of nature, and the beauty of the commonplace lilts out for eons... so beautiful, even the evocation of smells. 9. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon - Ang Lee, a sensual ballet of blades with the subtext that the finesses of know-how doesnt lie in pictures and diagrams but in the fine print. 10. Unforgiven - Clint Eastwood, heres one mean hog raiser who honors friendships and contracts even in the face of the Grim Reaper... 11. Screamers (1995) - Christian Duguay, aye, this one is a lot less emotional than the divinity dilemma of Philip K. Dicks Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep. Just a straight, in-your-gut storytelling of how machines evolve themselves, turn the tables on their human makers, and in the end, gain humanity. 12. Bourne Identity (2002) - Doug Liman... The human search for identity, essayed as a spy film... the close-quarters combat sequences are cutting edge for real... 13. Sound of Music (1965) - Robert Wise, yeah, so syrupy but my grandchildren were infected by the songs, even that puppet Lonely Goatherd. 14. The Empire Strikes Back (1980) - Irvin Kershner, the darkest episode in the Star Wars series... 15. The Land Before Time (1988) - Don Bluth, so sentimental but, but.. how a ragtag crew of young dinosaurs trying to escape the continuing assault of a T-Rex hatch cold-blooded murder, aah, thats stark-naked in-your-face reality.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 04:00:17 +0000

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