These are tough times for sane and moderate people. When you point - TopicsExpress


These are tough times for sane and moderate people. When you point out to America’s incessant wars and economic exploitation you are called a traitor by the right wing US media and the neocons. Even though by doing so you are trying to show America how to be morally right and how to gain respect and security. When you condemn Al-Qaeda for the 9/11 attacks the conspiracy theory believers call you an American agent. When you support democracy in the Arab world, the Iranians, the Saudis, The Egyptian military, the Egyptian “liberals” and the Egyptian salafees all get mad at you. But we have to continue taking sane, principled and just stands. For peace to reign in the world, the various peoples must stop demonizing and stereotyping one another and must start taking stands based on justice and human rights. The most important aspect of Quranic teaching is justice (Qist and Adl) Please see a discussion on Syria with a well respected Indian journalist. I have distributed the write ups of Seema Mustafa on Modi. But here she is seen hurting her credibility by supporting oppression of Assad and propagating bizarre and ludicrous “news” as you can see from her posts pasted at the bottom. I can understand her mistrust of the US and her anger at its policies. Reading a book, “the confession of an economic hit man” will show how malignant the US policies have been. The Iraq war is another example. Just last week US admitted to be behind the Iranian coup of 1953. But one must not forego justice (support of oppressed Syrian majority or Bahranian majority) nor undermine ones credibility by believing in bizarre conspiracy theories. Here was my reply: I hate to prolong the debate. But I am forced to. It is your credibility at stake. There are so many outrageous and ridiculous statements in your write-up for a mainstream journalist to be making them. Saudi Arabia is the source many troubles in the Middle East. It is the main backer of military coup in Egypt. Without Saudi urging and guarantee of funds Gen. Sisi would not have moved. Saudi religious establishment also has tremendous influence on the mainstream Salafi Nour Party in Egypt. When it comes to Syria. But the things you are attributing to Saudia, Russia, Saud bi Al-Faisel and Putin are bizarre to say the least When it comes to Syria, Saudi Arabia is competing with Iran as well as Qatar. Iran of course is supporting Assad. Qatar supported the Muslim Brotherhood and its allies. Saudia is supporting another group which has now won the election to lead the opposition defeating the Qatari supported candidate. Al-Qaeda (both its groups, the Nusrah Front and Al Qaeda in Iraq) are vehemently anti-Saudi. The drones killing AQ leadership in Yemen fly from Saudia. Chechen Salafi groups are allied with AQ and are anti Saudi. Putin knows this. Saudi and Jordanian intelligence services are working closely with Russian. The mainstream Chechen resistance that has close ties with Saudia has lost out. Saudi are not in the habit of confronting or threatening to unleash terrorists. Let alone threatening the second most powerful country in the world and in such a blatant fashion. A senior journalist must know that Saud, the son of Faisel, like his father, is known to be a very shrewd and “classy” senior statesman who would not use the language of Qaddafi. Rarely when he speaks forcefully, as he did in Paris recently, warning France not to support democracy movement in Egypt, his language was not inflammatory (He can therefore be more effective and dangerous to the democratic causes such as Egypt) Russia will never attack Saudia unless it is in self defense. Russia knows that Us will consider any attack on Saudia as an attack on UK and Israel. Russia did not intervene in Serbia and Kosovo when US attacked them which are religiously allied with it, much closer to it geographically and much more critical for its vital interests. In light of these basic facts the above arguments just do not make sense. They remind me of the headlines in Egyptian media that Obama is a secret member of Muslim Brotherhood and his brother is a leader of Al-Qaeda. From a human rights perspective supporting the butcher Assad and a corrupt tyrant Putin and doing so enthusiastically almost deliriously will dent the human rights credentials of those doing so. Lastly Iran which had been supporting Arab uprisings in Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Yemen and Bahrain made a 180 degrees turn and became the biggest supporter of the brutal tyrant of Syria just because of the Iranian leadership’s Shia fundamentalism and belief in the myth of the “antichrist” Sufyani (equivalent to Sunni Dajjal) rising from Syria at the end of times. It is Iran which made the Syrian conflict a sectarian one and Al-Qaeda and other Sunni extremists are taking full benefit from it. This has prolonged the suffering of the Syrians. nytimes/2012/02/29/world/middleeast/syria-crisis-highlights-paradoxes-of-assad-support.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0 The Iranian stand in Syria must be condemned just as the Saudi stand in Egypt. Let the Egyptians, Syrians, Bahrainees and all Arabs determine what kind of system they want for their respective countries. >>>>>>>>>> Seema Mustafa: Wow! Well done Putin, hats off. Return to the Cold War days perhaps if Obama continues with the US misadventures in West Asia"? With both Russia and China this time on the same side. "A grim “urgent action memorandum” issued today from the office of President Putin to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is ordering a “massive military strike” against Saudi Arabia in the event that the West attacks Syria. According to Kremlin sources familiar with this extraordinary “war order,” Putin became “enraged” after his early August meeting with Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan who warned that if Russia did not accept the defeat of Syria, Saudi Arabia would unleash Chechen terrorists under their control to cause mass death and chaos during the Winter Olympics scheduled to be held 7-23 February 2014 in Sochi, Russia. Lebanese newspaper As-Safir confirmed this amazing threat against Russia saying that Prince Bandar pledged to safeguard Russia’s naval base in Syria if the Assad regime is toppled, but he also hinted at Chechen terrorist attacks on Russia’s Winter Olympics in Sochi if there is no accord by stating: “I can give you a guarantee to protect the Winter Olympics next year. The Chechen groups that threaten the security of the games are controlled by us.” Prince Bandar went on to say that Chechens operating in Syria were a pressure tool that could be switched on an off. “These groups do not scare us. We use them in the face of the Syrian regime but they will have no role in Syria’s political future.” London’s The Telegraph News Service further reported today that Saudi Arabia has secretly offered Russia a sweeping deal to control the global oil market and safeguard Russia’s gas contracts, if the Kremlin backs away from the Assad regime in Syria, an offer Putin replied to by saying “Our stance on Assad will never change. We believe that the Syrian regime is the best speaker on behalf of the Syrian people, and not those liver eaters” [Putin said referring to footage showing a Jihadist rebel eating the heart and liver of a Syrian soldier HERE], and which Prince Bandar in turn warned that there can be “no escape from the military option” if Russia declines the olive branch." Seema Mustafa The American Pied piper plays the Flute of a sectarian divide and the rats follow. The Shias and the Sunnis at each others throats giving Obama the space he ends to invade, subjugate and oppress. Come on people grow up!! Like • • Share • 9 hours ago via mobile •
Posted on: Mon, 02 Sep 2013 00:31:48 +0000

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