These become hard at times for the individual to visulize; that - TopicsExpress


These become hard at times for the individual to visulize; that the mental and soul may arise when the spirit of the Creative Force, the universality of soul, of mind-not as material, not as judments, not in time and space but of time and space-may become lost in the Whole, instead of the entity being lost in a maze of confusing influences-then the soul visions arise in the meditations. And the centers becoming attuned to the vibrations of the bodily force, these give a vision of that as may be to the entity an outlet for the self-expressions, in the beauties and the harmonies and the activities that become, in their last analysis; just being patient, long-suffering, gentle, kind. These are the fruits of the spirit of truth; just as hates, malice and the like become in their growths those destructive forces in creating, in making for those things that are as but tares, confusions, dissensions in the experiences of an entity. Those then are the purposes of the entrance of an entity into a material plane; to choose that which is its ideal. then ask thyself the question-gain the answer first in thy physical consciousness: What is my ideal of a spiritual life? Then when the answer has come-for it has been given by Him that is Life, that the kingdom of יהוה /God, the Kingdom of heaven, is within; and we view thekingdom of יהוה /God without by the application of those things that are of the spirit of truth-these then answered, ye seek again in the inner consciousness: Am I true to my ideal? These become then the answers. This and that and the other; never as pro and con. For the growth in the spirit is as He has given; ye grow in grace, in knowledge, in understanding. How? as ye would have mercy shown thee, ye show mercy to those that even despitefully use thee. if ye would be forgiven for that which is contrary to thy own purposes- yet through the vicissitudes of the experiences about thee, anger and wrath give place to better judgment- ye, to, will forgive those that have despitefully used thee; ye will hold no malice. for ye would that thy Ideal, that Way ye seek, hold no malice- yea, no judgement- against thee. for it is the true law of recompense; yea, the true law of sacrifice. for not in sacrifice alone has He sought His judgments, but rather in mercy, in grace, in fortitude; yea, in divine love. the shadows of these are seen in thy inner experience with thy fellow man day by day. for ye have seen a smile, yea a kind word, turn away wrath. ye have seen a gentleness give hope to those that have lost their hold on purpose, other than the satisfying of appetite- yea, other than satisfying the desires of the carnal mind. hence as ye give, ye receive. for this is mercy, this is grace. this is the beauty of the inner life lived. know then it is not that judgment is passed here or there. for know that יהוה /God looketh upon the heart and he judgeth rather the purposes, the desires, the intents...for what seekest thou to lord [laud] in thy life? Self-intent? Know ye not that it was selfishness that separated the souls from the spirit of life and light? Then only in the divine love do ye have the opportunity to become to thy fellow man a saving grace, a mercy, yea even a saviour. for until ye have in thy own material associations known thyself to be the saving grace to someone, ye may not know even the whole mercy of the Father with the children of men. Then it is not of rote; it is not ritual that has made for those influences in time own experience; but in whom, in what hast thou put thy trust? He has promised to meet thee within the temple of thine own body.For as has been given, thy body is the temple of the living יהוה /God; a tabernacle, yea, for thy soul.And in the holy of holies within thine own consciousness He may walk and talk with thee. How? How? Is it the bringing of sacrifice? Is it the burning of incense? Is it the making of thyself of no estate? Rather is it that ye purpose! For the try, the purpose of thine inner self, to Him is the righteousness. For He hath known all the vicissitudes of the earthly experience. He hath walked through the valley of shadow of death. He hath seen the temptations of man from every phase that may come into thine own experience; and, yea, He hath given thee, If ye will love me, believing I am able, I will deliver thee from that which so easily besets thee at any experience. And it is thus that He stands; not as a Lord but as thy Brother, as thy Savior; that ye may know indeed the truth that gentleness, kindness, patience, brotherly love, beget-in thy heart of hearts, within him-that peace, that harmony. Not as the world knoweth peace but as He gave: That peace I give you; that ye may know that thy spirit, yea thy soul, beareth witness with me that ye are mine-I am thine, even as the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit. Even so may thy soul, thy mind, thy body, become aware of that which renews the hope, faith, the patience within thee. And until ye show forth in His love that patience, ye cannot become aware of thy relationship with Him. Even as He has given, in patience ye become aware of being that soul-that seeketh the Fathers house that is within even thine own consciousness... Nothing holds ye back... but self. For know, as has been given of old, Though I take the wings of the morning in thought and fly unto the uttermost parts of the earth, Thou art there! Though I fly into the heavenly hosts, Thou art there! Though I make my bed in hell, Thou art there! And as He has promised, When ye cry unto me, I WILL HEAR-and answer speedily. Nothing prevents-only self. Keep self and the shadow away. Turn thy face to the light and the shadows fall behind. Do interpret from that which may be gained from these: Exodus19;5 Deuteronomy30 John14&15 these interpret within self; apply them in self.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 04:52:27 +0000

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