These champs are so OP: Aatrox: Seriously? Whats with that OP - TopicsExpress


These champs are so OP: Aatrox: Seriously? Whats with that OP passive, he has a free GA and he has that bs knockup/escape, plus a slow and his ult? So OP. Ahri: True damage and a dash and she has way too much sustain. Her charm is total bs too. Akali: Omg! Shes so broken, stupid stealth bubble and she can oneshot me when I build no defense. Thrash noob champ. Alistar: Wtf rito? Were you high? An AoE heal and a stupid knockback, knckup and extra tankiness in his ult? Such a broken champ. Amumu: His bandage toss and ult are so OP, you just cant move forever! And he does % health damage. Such a trash champ. Anivia: Wff, another free GA, such bs. Plus her wall is so gay, stops me from killer her all the time. She has a stun and her ult is so broken. Annie: Omg! What the hell, she always stuns me, so unfair and tibbers lasts too long! Ashe: Infinite range ult with a stun? So broken, plus she has so much slow, a free crit and gets free gold! Blitzcrank: His grab is so stupid, then he just knocks you up and silences you, such a broken champ. I played him in mid and he destroyed me by pulling me into tower all the time, so op. Brand: He has a stun thats so easy to land and does so much damage. Especially with that bs ult. Braum: Noob champ. He just stuns always with his passive and has a slow AND a knock up, so op. Caitlyn: Her range is too long, she can just aa you from under her tower. And she can escape. I keep getting caught in those stupid damn traps and her q is such bs. Cassiopeia: Her ult stuns me forever, such bs and she has so much poison and just fire twin fangs forever, so broken. ChoGath: Such a broken champ. He just keeps getting bigger and has his stupid aoe knockup and silence. Why does he have so much aoe, so stupid. Corki: Such a noob adc. He can shred armor and just valkyrie away. And his ult has such a long range and does so much damage. Darius: Bleed damage is such bs and he can pull you in with his retarded mini blitz hook. His ult has a reset and does crazy damage. Diana: She just dashes all over the place doing op damage and pulls you in close to her with her bs mini oriana ult. Dr.Mundo: No mana, infinite health, %damage on his cleaver and a slow. Such a broken champ. Draven: Infinite range double hitting ult and he can slow you. Such bs, also does retarded damage with his axes. Elise: Omg, such a noob jungler. She has %damage and can stun you at range, then she can just rappel away when you try to kill her. Evelynn: Such bs stealth. Can never see her gank, then she just kills you, so op. Ezreal: Such a broken champ. Can speed up his own attack, gets a free flash and an infinite range ult that goes through everyone and everything dealing damage. Fiddlesticks: Omg, he can heal fear and silence you then gets a free flash with his ult and just kills you with its aoe. Fiora: Parries your aa, has a dash and is invincible. So broken, such a noob champ. Fizz: He just dances on his troll pole and deletes people. So OP. Galio: Has a speed up and an aoe taunt that is so bs. Also scales with mr which means I cant kill him with kassidin, such a stupid champ. Gangplank: Can just heal and ignore cc and throw down his ult anywhere on the map, so OP. Garen: Spin to win then execute. Plus a speed up silence and a shield, noob champ. Gragas: So much aoe damage and he can belly slam away. Plus his bs regen costing 0 mana. Graves: Can stop you seeing everything, plus he has such an OP ult. So safe with his dash too. Hecarim: So broken, can dash in and kill everyone. Scales AD off speed, so you cant even get away and hes so tanky. Bs champ. Heimerdinger: Those turrets are so broken, theyre always killing me and when I go to kill them he just stuns me and fires his rockets. Broken. Irelia: Better nerf her. Janna: Tornadoes such bs, plus she give passive move speed and can have massive shields AND a huge aoe heal that ALSO knocks everyone away. Jarvan IV: Bs knockup and stupid ult. Also so tanky, noob champ. Jax: Free win. So retarded, has dodge and leap and stun and knocks down towers so fast. Jayce: Omg, his ranged shot through his gate does way too much damage and hes so powerful with his hammer, noob champ. Jinx: She has attack speed boost, movement speed boost, long range aoe that scales with attack speed, a snare, a long range slow and an infinite range execute ult. So broken. Karma: She starts with her ult, so trash. Just pokes all day then runs away with her shields. Karthus: He can cast spells after he dies and his ult kills everyone on the map, bs. Katarina: Free flash and broken ult, plus she has free cooldowns. Noob champ. Kayle: Speed up heal, aoe range and a slow, plus she can make people invincible! So op. Kennen: So much poke and can stun so easily, plus massive speed boost and aoe ult that you cant even get away from. Khazix: As soon as you leave your lane or tower dive he just kills you, so OP. Remove his isolate damage pls riot. Kogmaw: Way too much range, he outranges Caitlyn. Such a broken champ. LeBlanc: So safe, does 100-0, broken champ, delete her please riot. Lee Sin: He just has way to much mobility, and that kick! So op. Leona: So many stuns and shes way too tanky, such a noob support. Lissandra: Free zhonyas and flash gg. Lucian: Way too much damage from his aa, plus he has a huge dash. Lulu: Glitterlances do too much damage, then she just shields and speeds away or turns you into a squirrel and ults herself, bs. Lux: 30s cooldown on her broken ult, plus a double snare, bs shields and aoe slow. Malphite: Way too tanky, aoe aa. And his ult is so broken. Malzahar: Aoe damage over time, silence and you cant get out of his ulti. Maokai: His gap closer and saplings are so op. Master Yi: Noob champ. Miss Fortune: She can hit you behind your minions with her q and her ulti does such bs damage. Mordekaiser: Just ults your adc and gg. Broken champ. Morgana: Black shield OP, snares and a broken ult. Nami: Aoe stun, aoe knockup and slow and heal and damage. Noob support. Nasus: Just farm his q and you win. Bs champ Nautilus: Snare on his passive, ultra tank, with a shield and can pull himslef to you then do an aoe slow. Nocturne: Spellshield and can hide the minimap. GG. Nunu: Ult does way too much damage for an aoe and his slow is so unfair. His sustain is so broken too. Olaf: Ignores cc, gg. Orianna: So much aoe damage, massive shield and that bs ult. Pantheon: Free teleport, can jump on you for a stun and then block your tower while he kills you, noob champ. Poppy: Can become invincible and push you back into her team, so OP. Quinn: Gets vision around her and can then blind you, so stupid. Rammus: Omg his speed is so op, then he taunts you and takes no damage. Renekton: Does stupid amounts of damage has dash stun and then ults on low hp and gets all his health back. Broken champ. Rengar: So OP, jumps in and deletes your carries in one combo. Can stealth so even if you warded you wouldnt see him. Riven: Stupid mobility and damage, then she can shield dash as well, and the shield scales with AD. So broken. Rumble: He doesnt even have mana, the more abilities he used the stronger he gets, plus that flame thrower. Omg. Ryze: Noob champ. So tanky because he scales with mana, so broken. Sejuani: So OP, she can just stampede then stun your entire team and slow them forever. Shaco: His boxes do so much damage AND fear you. Plus he has stealth and a free flash and he splits into 2 for his ult. Shen: Free tp and a dash taunt. Plus a massive shield from his tp. Noob champ. Shyvana: Free tankiness from her ult, does aoe mixed damage and has that bs double strike. Singed: That poison trail is so op. Plus he has a flip and is ridiculously tanky. Toxic champ. Sion: Infinite hp and a point and click stun. GG. Sivir: Free talisman of ascension and that broken spell shield. Nerf pls. Skarner: That bs ult just pulls you into his team while you are getting hit and cant do anything. Sona: Does a million damage with her empowered aa and has a massive aoe stun that also does loads of damage, heals and speeds up her team. Toxic champ. Soraka: Her q lowers everones mr and she has so many heals you just cant kill her adc. Swain: So much damage for how tanky he is, especially when he uses ult. Syndra: Her ult does 1.4k damage. So OP. Talon: He has free flash and silence. Does so much damage too and an op stealth ult. Taric: Point and click stun and can stack armor all day. Has an op heal that scales with health too. Teemo: Those Mushrooms! So toxic. And a blind and speed up. OP champ. Thresh: His entire kit is OP. Broken support. Tristana: OMG so OP, does insane damage and can always jump away. Trundle: Way too much regen and can steal stats from other toplaner. Broken. Tryndamere: Does so much crits and his ult makes him invicible. OP as hell. Twisted Fate: Free teleport, can regen mana, stun and has massive range with his q. Twitch: Ratatattat does stupid damage and he can just go invisible whenever he gets caught. So op. Udyr: Just walks into lane and you cant kill him, he destrys you and you cant get away because of his speed up. Broken jungler. Urgot: His ult is so OP, and he has such a long range when locked on. Varus: So much poke and his ult just snares everyone. Vayne: Silver bolts are so op, true damage. She can go invisible with her ult and gets bonus move speed. Toxic late game champ. Veigar: So much damage and huge aoe stun. Seriously riot, do something about his ults damage, it destroys any AP mid I lane against him with. Velkoz: So much cc and does huge damage at quite a long range. Vi: Stupid dash and op, broken ult. No skill champ. Viktor: His death ray does stupid damage. And he gets a free shield from doing damage with his q. Vladamir: Such a bs champ, does loads of damage and when you try to kill him just goes into his troll pool and heals up to full health. Volibear: Broken passive, gives him too much health, plus he just runs in and pulls you adc out of position. Warwick: That ult is so op. Lasts way to long, then he just chases you down and heals with his q. Wukong: Stupidly powerful ult, aoe damage and knockup. He can also dash and go invisible, blocking ults with his clone. Xerath: So broken since his rework, just has infinite range and damage. Xin Zhao: So op, just knocks you around and heals all his health constantly. Then knocks a tower down in 2s. Yorick: He just cant be killed, does so much damage with his ghouls and is so tanky then his ult makes 2 of him and brings him back to life. Zac: Free GA and does so much damage with his ult, which hes untargetable during. Broken champ. Zed: OMG, does soo much damage. The his ult just kills you and theres nothing you can do. Ziggs: Can just waveclear so easily doesnt have to worry and has pretty much infinite ranged ult. Broken noob champ. Zilean: Does so much damage with his bs time bombs, then just ults when you kill him so that he gets a free ga. Broken Champ. Zyra: All the cc in the world and does massive damage, such an op toxic champ. I didnt mention Kassadin, Yasuo or Nidalee because I play them and think they need a buff, because I keep losing to noobs playing one of the above champs. Seriously guys, I see so many posts where people demand so-and-so get nerfed because OMG THEY ARE SO OP, RITO PLS!!! Most of the champs are either underpowered, dont mix well with the item changes, have fallen out of popularity or are perfectly balanced and the reason youre losing is because your opponent was better. There are really very few truly op champs, and theyre usually banned or played by people who cant play them because they take them thinking the champ will carry them. You can almost see the logic, Yasuo is OP, they beat me playing Yasuo with Katarina, Katarina must be stronger than Yasuo, therefore, Katarina must be really OP!
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 05:35:49 +0000

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