These circulars and other discussions on the social media have - TopicsExpress


These circulars and other discussions on the social media have brought into focus few pertinent questions, which have been summed up by Mr Kamlesh Chaturvedi on FB. Our readers can themselves decide about what their leaders and questions they need to answer Additional Information given by AIBOC in its circular dated 20th January, 2015 You must have come to know by now that our Confederation (AIBOC) strongly took up the position of adhering to the strike call through the views expressed by your Representatives in the meeting. However, other organizations were not in agreement with our views. After making all efforts to convince other constituents of UFBU to implement the strike call and considering all the pros and cons of our organization going on strike along with only one Award Staff Union (NOBW) will not serve the purpose and will also send signals against the Unity of UFBU. We with very heavy heart agreed to withhold the four days strike with certain conditions. The Convenor of the UFBU has incorporated our feelings and conditions viz. resolving Five days banking and regulated working hours for the officers along with reasonable Salary Revision in the first week of February, 2015, failing which minimum four days strike (with 15 days requisite notice period) would be revived, in the Letter addressed to the Chairman of the IBA. Comrades, in democratic Organisations like UFBU which consists of Officers’ Organisations and Award Staff Unions with different backgrounds and political Affiliations, differences in opinions are bound to be there. However, we assure you that we are committed to the cause of Workmen class in general and our members in particular to achieve a better service conditions. (HARVINDER SINGH) GENERAL SECRETARY Views of Mr Kamlesh Chaturvedi : These days, I am reading different types of rumours with regard to decision on 4 days Strike from 21st January to 24th January was put on hold through meeting of UFBU held on 19th January. These rumours are naming few unions as supporting Strike action while others opposing it. While there is no official confirmation about the rift in UFBU over Strike, these rumours are solely based on unofficial communication coming from leaders who had once tried to befool bank employees by getting published fake news that Government of India is considering to cover bank employees under CPC. As per these rumours AIBOC which is largest Constituent of UFBU in terms of membership and alone represents 75% of Officers in banks, NOBO and NOBW were in favour of Strikes. Those who are spreading such rumours must seek confirmation from General Secretaries of these unions. Such rumours are nothing but valiant attempt of those who want to see BJP supported unions flourish in Banks. NOBW and NOBO both are affiliated to BMS which is flouted by RSS. Leaders of NOBW and NOBO have met FM and PM in the past and they again met with FM on 20th January. Being part of the ruling party, these unions are capable of securing equality in wages, salaries, pension, number of days per week working at par with Central Government Employees or getting bank employees covered under CPC. Leaders of NOBO and NOBW are playing clever game, they want to keep Laddu in both hands. On the one hand, they show their closeness with the Government and on the other hand they are spreading rumours that they were in favour of Strike against their own government. Just look at their dubious game of the recent past. One of their office bearer got published a news that Government that Government is seriously considering to cover bank employees under CPC. Just couple of days later, there General Secretary confirmed in UFBU meeting that its a fake news. Government also clarified in Parliament that there is no proposal to consider covering of bank employees under CPC. Again their meeting was held on 10th October in which they passed resolution that they are in favour of Strike of more days instead of One Day Strike. 3 days later on 14th October, UFBU met at Bangalore and gave call for Strike on 12th November and their General Secretary who was present meeting did not object. UFBU as we all know is combination of unions of different ideologies. Obviously there would be difference of opinions. It is the self interest of the leaders which is keeping them united under UFBU. AIBOC alone is capable to ensure success of Strike. In past AIBOC alone has gone on Strikes and these Strikes were successful. Why AIBOC did not remain firm on its stand and opted for Strike specially when support for Strike was such that members of other unions would have supported? If answer is that to maintain unity then next question is unity for what? If you are maintaining unity in the larger interest of bank employees and if you find that those forces who are exerting pressure to settle for nominal increase are opposing Strike, should not you leave such forces? If you are submitting to the dictates of those who are having lesser strength, does not it mean you are compromising against interest of bank employees? If you have participated in meeting of UFBU and if you have accepted decision to put on hold the decision to go on strike, you have no moral right to say that you were in favour of strike. Stop doing drama. thanks to Danendra Jain
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 03:46:41 +0000

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