These days both students and their parents are under what is - TopicsExpress


These days both students and their parents are under what is called ADMISSION FEVER, a disease which peaks from the moths of June to August. Some get elated, some depressed after the process is over. It is SAD, Indeed SAD that students have to go through all this year after year. In ancient India, education was in the hands of Gurus ASHRAMS WERE UNIVERSITIES and just as Students sought out GOOD GURUS because FACULTY or Gurus are the hall mark of any education system. On the other hand GURUS also sought out GOOD, DEDICATED STUDENTS. Because education is a TWO WAY PROCESS, Chanakya would have been just ANOTHER GURU , if Chandragupta were not his student, similarly Chandragupta could not have become a GREAT EMPEROR if he did NOT HAVE CHANAKYA as his Guru. Today, education is all about PERCENTAGES, CUT OFFS, EXORBITANT fees, somewhere in the process NEITHER THE TEACHER, nor the STUDENT gets any weight age. Ashrams were AUTONOMOUS UNIVERSITIES, there was minimal governmental interference , each Guru designed his OWN COURSES and Decided on his OWN METHOD of teaching and his OWN MODE OF PAYMENT or GURU DAKSHINA. The word ASHRAM means a place where you get ASHRAY - SHELTER and in return for this you have to do SHRAM or Work. Those who could not PAY IN CASH, PAID IN SERVICE. So this was what we call today EARN WHILE YOU LEARN. It was in trying to MAKE EDUCATION into MODULES and assuming that ALL STUDENTS share the same pace of learning and can pay the same amount of fees , that is MESSING things up. But these days it is difficult to find either GOOD DEDICATED GURUS or GOOD DEDICATED STUDENTS . Everyone is looking ONLY FOR SHORTCUTS. There CANNOT BE SHORT CUTS TO KNOWLEDGE. Genius is 1% INSPIRATION, 100 % PERSPIRATION.
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 09:36:35 +0000

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