These days everyone is talking superfoods (funny makes me think of - TopicsExpress


These days everyone is talking superfoods (funny makes me think of my son saying super powers in his deep 2.5 yr old voice). Well hes got it right these foods do have super powers. Let me list some super foods for you to try. These can be popped right into the mouth, put into a smoothie, or found in capsule form. 1. Goji Berry •Increases immunity •Protects liver •Improves eyesight •Improves quality of blood •Prevent aging 2. Acai •Helps people sleep better •Makes the immune system stronger •Slows down the aging process •Regulates the levels of cholesterol in the body •Improves vision •Improves circulation and functioning of the heart •Reduces inflammation •Detoxifies the body 3. Cacao you can even make protein balls using this •Increases blood flow to the brain and enhances brain function •Has a high concentration of anti oxidants such as polyphenols, catechins and epicatechins. Anti oxidants as we all know are the holy grail of youth and a disease free life. •The magnesium in cacao is good for the heart, helps prevent constipation and even eases menstrual cramps. •Cacao also has iron, which makes it a great weapon to fight against anemia. •Cacao contains chromium, a trace mineral which works wonders to maintain the balance of blood sugar. •Manganese, another trace mineral that can be found in cacao is great when it comes to building up of hemoglobin. •Zinc, another mineral that cacao contains is known for its essential role in enhancing our immune system. •Raw cacao contains vitamin C as well which has its own gamut of uses. •Raw cacao contains essential omega 6 fatty acids. An important thing to note is that cooked and processed chocolate contains rancid omega 6 fatty acids or trans fats which are not healthy for you. •Cacao beans contain certain compounds that can trigger weight loss, make you feel good and improve your mood considerably. •The fiber in cacao beans works wonderfully to cleanse the digestive system 4. Maca •Increases stamina and libido •Helps the endocrine system function properly, thereby eliminating hormonal imbalances •Lowers anemia and alleviates menstrual discomfort and cramps •Is also known to be effective in fighting stomach cancer and tuberculosis •Rich source of fatty acids and sterols •Has a good concentration of minerals such as calcium, magnesium, sulfur, potassium, phosphorus as well as vitamins such as B1, C, B2 and E •Known to help women deal with menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes and mood swings •Works wonders at reducing the symptoms of altitude sickness 5. Coconut I consume some form of coconut daily. I even use the oil on my face as a moisturizer •Those suffering from cholera can find great relief in tender coconut water because of its sodium and albumin content. •For people with kidney stones, drinking coconut water helps in tackling the pain, while protecting the kidneys from bad calcium sources. •Coconut water, at times, is used as a substitute for blood plasma because of its purity. •Coconut oil and coconut cream contain Medium Chain Fatty Acids, which are instrumental in making the immune system stronger. •Coconut oil contains antioxidants such as pregnenolone that are highly useful for the body. •Coconut cream and coconut oil help in balancing the blood sugar level and enable you to without food without feeling the onset of hypoglycemia. •In young coconuts, the meat inside is soft and is excellent for creating breast milk.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 02:03:00 +0000

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