These false prophets are called Pastors here in Mystery Babylon, - TopicsExpress


These false prophets are called Pastors here in Mystery Babylon, but Christians should already know this because we are warned about them by name in Jeremiah 2:8, 10:21, 12:10, 22:22, 23:1 & 2 and elsewhere. That was in Babylon and we now live in Mystery Babylon according to Revelation 17 and 18. This is why we are told to come out of her, which includes ALL religious constructs in Mystery Babylon, including Christianity. With more than 40,000 denominations, Christianity IS the house divided against itself that Jesus warned you about and as such, just as he said, it will not stand. People have a choice to follow doctrines OR the truth that Jesus taught, but they cannot have it both ways. You see, Jesus did NOT found Christianity. There is only ONE Way and it was Him, but He was rejected and despised as we are warned would happen in Isaiah 53:3. Jesus said I come in my Fathers name and you RECEIVE ME NOT, if another come in his OWN NAME, him you will receive. That was not simply a statement, but a DIRE WARNING and that person was Paul, the founder of Christianity who beings most of his books in his OWN NAME with I Paul, just as Jesus warned. As a Master Builder (I Cor. 3:10) he rejected the Way of Jesus (the stone), as the Bible states in Matt. 21:42 and Mark 12:10 and proceeded to build Upon Jesus in their OWN WAY. The name Masterbuilder is a name of the highest degree within Freemasonry (called The Builders) and this is because Paul was a Freemason and of the same clan who built the great Pyramid as I prove many times over and over. This is the truth reason they refer to themselves as The Buidlers. This is why Freemasons STRONGLY encourage their members to attend church and they openly admit they had a strong hand in the writing of the Bible. The strong hand , along with the Scribes, the cohorts of the Pharisees, was Paul was also a Pharisee, by his own admission, a religious group about whom Jesus also warned adamantly. And He warned about ALL Pharisees, WITHOUT EXCEPTION. Paul also did Signs and Wonders to convince us of his authenticity as he states in II Corinthians 12:12 in regards to himself while trying to convince the disciples of his authenticity. Here he says, Truly the signs of an apostle (referencing himself) were wrought among you in all patience, in SIGNS AND WONDERS, and mighty deeds. But, Jesus also warned about that in Mark 13:22 where He states: For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew SIGNS AND WONDERS, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect. Paul also said He saw Jesus in the desert on the road to Damascus in Acts 9, but Jesus also warned about that in Matthew 24:26 when He said Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, HE IS IN THE DESERT; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not. You see, there were only 12 disciples. 12, not 13. When Judas died he was replaced by Matthias in Acts 1:26. Paul made 13. There are many more pieces of evidence to prove Paul was not of the Father and not of the truth. Christians always argue that Paul must be genuine A) because his writings are in the Bible and B) because he speaks highly of Jesus. But these Christians are simply unlearned. The reason Paul speaks highly of Jesus at various places in the Bible, is because if he had not done so, Christians would never have swallowed the whole lump of Pharasaic leaven that he taught, but again, Jesus warned about that many times also, including Matthew 23 where He warned about it 7 TIMES! 1,000 years is as 1 day and 1 day is as 1,000 years. So when we are told In Those Days there will arise false prophets etc., it is a reference to the BEGINNING of the Last Days, which was more than 2,000 years ago; and it is no coincidence that this is also around the same time between 2,000 and 2,600 years ago that A) Israel was in Babylon because they rebelled, B) Christ was murdered and C) Christianity was founded upon Him by the Builders. This is also why there is a Bible in every Masonic lodge in the world... Make no mistake, if anyone has their spiritual radar up, looking for a false apostle, false teacher or false prophet, they need to readjust the settings on that spiritual radar to the true settings. As a fact, people need look no further than the False Apostle, Masterbuilder and Pharisee, Paul. That fact has been right in front of their eyes for 2,000 years. They are simply unable to see the truth of the forest, because of the doctrinal trees that they insist on clinging to. There are those TRUE teachers who are being sent to you right now, just as there always have been at this specific Time of the End in our cyclical history, but again, due to the corruption of the mind of most Christians that has occurred because of Pastors teaching the leaven-filled half-truths of Paul and Christians loving those lies rather than the truth, they are under the Strong Delusion of II Thessalonians 2:11 which God created to CAUSE them to believe lies, exactly like it says in that verse. No one recognizes the TRUE teachers that are here, but again, Jesus told you this would happen in Matthew 23:23 where He says: Wherefore, behold, I send unto you prophets, and wise men... and some of them ye shall kill and crucify; and some of them shall ye scourge in your synagogues (Sunagogue = Church), and persecute them from city to city. And that persecution comes in many forms. Those who believe the DOCTRINAL LIE that the Bible, a set of 66 books written mostly by Scribes, which again, Jeremiah 8:8 tells us are liars, will never be able to rightly divide (orthotomeo = cut) the truth from the lies, as we are told to do in II Timothy 2:15. The truth is all that matters and just as Jesus said, is the only thing that will make you free. When I talk about these all-important issues, I do not do it to hear myself talk. When I write book after book full of all-important truth that the world has literally never known, I dont do it to look at the words on the pages or to simply sell books. Thats a farce; and when I speak, it is not for my own benefit, it is ONLY for the benefit of those with ears to hear. I already know the truth because after tens of thousands of hours of prayerful research and intense exegesis as Jesus taught in Matthew 7:7, the Father has allowed me to find it. When I speak, therefore, people would do well to listen to every word that comes out of my mouth. The time is much shorter than people realize, the road to life is much narrower than people have been taught and just as Jesus said, there are only FEW that find it. Honest truth-seekers can begin to learn the truth that they have never known at
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 15:52:17 +0000

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