These insightful NAME SELECTIONS of some of My Dearest Black - TopicsExpress


These insightful NAME SELECTIONS of some of My Dearest Black Female Face Book Friends, i.e., [Sade Brutally Honest , Carolyn TruthSeeker, and Rhonda ThoughtHealer ] all have INSPIRED ME: I LOVE THE CONCEPT OF BRUTAL HONESTY~ TRUTHSEEKER and ThoughtHealer !!! * A KEYSTONE OF ANY TUTHFUL CAPSTONE ADDED TO THE DIVINITY of IDENTITY: There is only ONE true form in psychic BLUEPRINT for deranged psychopathy of consciously irresponsible individuals in THE THERAPY OF VALUE FULFILLMENT and that is the personal mental and emotional practice of PERSONAL TRUTH SEEKING BEING TOTALLY BRUTALLY HONEST IN THOUGHT HEALING Our CONSCIOUS MINDS are phenomenons which operates Spontaneously Automatically. The MIND loves to play creatively with all of its contents. It is a maker of distinctions. The MIND you have was the same phenomena which possessed even before this lifetime in corporeal form here within this dimension of camouflage reality. Your mind is a FACULTY of your own Eternal Indestructible Divine Spiritual Valid Soul. This MIND of yours is exultantly familiar with the pure spiritual energy which makes You the you that is the familiar focus of your consciousness. In other words it is aware of your deepest VALUES as your [SIGNIFICANCES]. Your mind is naturally magical in its process. It is magical , in a manner of speaking, because no particular individual KNOWS HOW THEIR MIND WORKS. You can become more and more aware of WHAT THE MIND DOES but not how it do what it does. The deepest internal mechanics of the PSYCHE is Unconscious. The spiritually consciously responsible mature personality is aware of their minds DUAL FUNCTION. The mind assesses both data received internally from deeper portions of the whole self and all other data acquire from the external environment. That PHENOMENON of perception performed by our minds brings to the surface of your personal awareness whole gestalts of previously UNCONSCIOUS MATERIAL, then it automatically or spontaneously assembles and organizes it ( data-information ) in an ever-changing form. Through purposeful FOCUS { intent }, a literally infinite amount of such data can be UNCONSCIOUSLY SORTED; then only the DESIRED elements will emerge. At its inner core this personal conscious mind of yours is endlessly creative. It however contains a deeper inner GUIDELINE given from the inner-self ( i.e., inner-ego ) which knows without a doubt Thou Should No Violate. This core essence applies to all areas of conscious mind-thinking. Man by his inner spiritual nature is innately good. If the conscious mind-thinking is set upon thoughts and ideas which will manifest in reality as VIOLATION in the deliberate intent in the use of FREE WILL in organization of physical data, so the MIND will be the recipient of deeper inner spiritual understanding meant to modify this intentional mind-thing process of the thinker. Here *NATURAL SPIRITUAL GUILT* became the basis for infinite variations of the mind-thinking internal psychic mechanics under the auspices of DIVINE FREE WILL. Man himself is, again, innately good and naturally spiritual. It is here where choices are made to ENGAGE IN ANY VIOLATION is where the necessity of learning LESSONS for conscious responsibility has the greatest force or purpose and meaning. The MIND-THINKING-PROCESS must be free for the mind of the personality to learn to express its own will as an individual. The MIND as a phenomena, your mind, is also equipped to EXAMINE its beliefs, reflect upon them finding the ambiguities and contradictions. The mind is always EVALUATING the results of its examination of inner data and will instantaneously inform the ego of its debris and contradictory data. Therefore the question of SELF HONESTY becomes critical in our inner mind-thinking-process. OUR NOTED CAVEAT HERE IS AN ESSENTIAL KEYSTONE ~ When the individual chooses to be habitually true like my face book friend *Sade Brutally Honest NDiaye [ I have thought about this name often, and have reminded myself of this NAME for its profound spiritual implication ] ~ Your mind will AUTOMATICALLY-SPONTANEOUSLY help *You, the HONEST TRUE INDIVIDUAL to always SHOW in POINTING out both the BELIEFS and their EFFECTIVE CONSEQUENCES. [ FREE WILL ~ ALLOWS FOR THIS PERMISSIVENESS ]. This seemingly minor FACT given here is at the essential core of the meaning and purpose of human existence BECAUSE these [ CONSCIOUS LESSONS ] are a necessity if man is to learn HE CREATES HIS OWN REALITY. Free Will is an ultimate necessity. Therefore the development of your INNER SPIRITUAL & EMOTIONAL PERSONAL sense of self honesty is an essential component of YOUR PERSONAL SPIRITUALITY. I see in my own reality how imperative this kind of understanding has been ignored and dismissed as a necessary component within our nations official line of cultural ideas. This NECESSITY OF TOTAL PERSONAL HONESTY when practiced by individuals allows EACH PERSONALITY to materialize their IDEAS in conscious awareness, and thus, then consciously MEET THEM MATERIALIZED IN PHYSICAL REALITY; without foolish irresponsible mindless excuses being entered into the added toxic debris in the MIND. There is no hope for the DISHONESTY OF THE MENTALLY, and/nor anything premised or made on the basis of sorry forms of intellectual excuses hinged to logical rationalization denying conscious responsibility for undesirable consequences sponsored by the dishonest mind-thinking-process, causing ugly toxic human events collectively and personally in this culture based upon DISHONESTY and its twin HYPOCRISY. The HUMAN MIND of each spiritual personality always is attempting to alert the individual [ Do Not Do That Again ~ Thou Shall Not Violate ~ BECOME BRUTALLY HONEST, honesty is A BETTER WAY FOR THE BROTHERHOOD OF HUMANITY @ NEVER BECOME A LIAR !!! - The Naked Communicator Namaste { see: Heart Communicators, formerly known as Whale Communicators } in true Namaste.
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 15:23:37 +0000

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