These is the problem in kenya .(Thinking well but not the mistakes - TopicsExpress


These is the problem in kenya .(Thinking well but not the mistakes of ur community elders )If I were an Opposition figure through the issues Id raise and the platforms Id use, agenda Nos. 3 at State House - after Minutes of last meeting Security brief.... ...... would be What has Sandrah said..... Opposition is meant to be the team that keeps the Government on toes on National issues broaching these issues through legislative means. If they were issues that made economical sense lobbying in the House for support from Pro-government Members would be as easy as 1,2,3. Only matters in Parliament, Court of Law or brought forth by a group of Commerce / Investment Experts gets a Governments attention. Today Russia has decided to hoard its wheat imports results being international price of wheat is up, so a lot of food related prices will go up and Kenya, Kenyans will feel the pinch.... Why wouldnt one lobby for all idle land to be used for wheat production under NCPB and create jobs and Kenya can join the international Wheat Exporters League, boosting our Economy. Tea prices are dropping, Kenyan tea is the best - Opposition could identify experts, research on international Product positioning and brand equity enhancement methods then table a paper in Parliament..... Who will not support a proposal to strengthen our tea sales Tea Farmers earn zit, while Tea Brokers and Exporters including FOREIGN multinationals earn billions..... Put a document in place lobby! get the farmer more money....... And earn your votes for the next elections. An opposition based on press conferences to spew out insults, fight and strip in Parliament and incessant TV interviews to say the same matusi is a dead beat, that only goes as far as satirical headlines of Opposition Wants... alafu? You want so? Keep wanting...... The Media Houses will always suck up to the current Kenyan Opposition. With their Press Conferences and fiascos - they make for excellent customers and entertainment material for Bulls Eye and Heka Heka...... India, Nigeria, USA, ICC, NGOs - that is not where the votes will come from. Life is versatile, that you got attention and won accolades when heckling the streets during Moi era doesnt mean that is the one and only way there is and will be to get to the road of national leadership. If my memory serves me well, all those who are known for their politics of chaos, street demos, abusive communication skills etc have remained largely at one spot.... Yearning! So why cant they listen to the wise man who said...... Doing the same thing in the same way and EXPECTING DIFFERENT results is sheer insanity......... Sometimes our Kenyan Opposition make good for entertainment, but most times they are such a disappointment. My two-cents, going forward and for Kenya to move to the next level - its either one party state with a firm level headed leader like Rwandas Kagame, or some other team rises up to take the place of current baby-crying, insult driven, no- agenda, street heckling, Pharmaceutically financed opposition. A team made up of agile professionals and experts who would keep a hawk eye on the economy driving elements and keep the Government sweltering it out with facts...... Makau Mutua, Bensouda, Kiai, Boniface, little blue pills and assassination theories wont get you the Public endearing needed to land those votes. Donge? 3 hrs · Edited · Public
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 07:42:49 +0000

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