These isis terrorist I often here people say they are funded by - TopicsExpress


These isis terrorist I often here people say they are funded by ISRAEL and America, without any Idea who these men are . If you want to know them you have to think like them , 1. Most of them (the leaders) are iraqi sunni men who were once in the Baath party (arab nationalist) thats why they are against a kurdish state 2. When saddam Hussein was killed , Shia militants rounded thousands PALESTINIANS in Baghdad , and told them to leave or die because they sided with saddam during his time as a president, but it doesnt start there , the Shia and sunni conflict is big in Iraq , Shia arnt exactly innocent as they claim , they kill women in Iraq just for having the name aisha named after Muhammads wife who they hate because they believe she led a war against the Shia imam Ali ibn abi talib , also in baghdad malikis government have imprisioned hundreds of Sunni women with no charge at all, torturing and raping them until they say they are guilty for a crime they didnt commit. 3 Iran which is a Shia super power has hung and prosecuted thousands of baloch and afghan men, with no charge at all but the fact they are Sunnis and have tried to spread the sunni religion in Iran , hence why there is also another sunni militant group in balochistan fighting the government of iran for the same reason 4. After ww2 Britain and France occupied the whole Middle East , France took Lebanon and Syria , and when they created a government in both , only minorities could rule over the majority , Christians in Lebanon , alawites in Syria , at the start of the syrian conflict , sunni muslims were protesting in the streets against the alawi president bashar al Assad , as he was like Maliki , a dictator, no democracy , no freedom , but Syria has always been a beautiful country but arab leaders who are greedy for power have destroyed that, bashar al Assad started firing bullets at protesters , it started just like the Egypt conflict did at the start of this year, and became into a riot then a war. the army vs civilians and civilians took up arms they today are called the free syrian army but these men who fight in the group called isis have always been in iraq , they were the same men who fought against americans 2 times in the battle of fallujah , they are from villages in Iraq such as fallujah and ramadi , Maliki the Shia president often drones these people killing there kids and destroying there homes, even before isis became big , Maliki continued to massacre the sunni civilian population of al anbar and they got sick of it , in Iraq there are more sunni militant then just isis , there are many tribal fighters and jahish al sunnah, saying the Muslim conflict is because of Zionism , is pathetic and an uneducated thing to say , the Muslim conflict between Shia and Sunni existed before Zionism , if you knew the religion from both perspectives you would know that. These foreign men who fight for the Islamic state use to be apart of groups such as al Qaeda which is called jahbat al nusra in syria and coming from countries from all other the world , getting in from turkey and being transported to the isis hotspot raqqa city , they have always considered there territory of Iraq a Islamic state even before the Syrian conflict but because of the syrian conflict they have decided to build more territory for there state , but you should know Sunnis in Iraq have been yelling dawlat al islamiya BAQQIYA (meaning the islamic state must stay) way before this . Now to say America created these people is only naive considering America has lost hundreds of men fighting these people for Iraqis. what Im pretty much saying is , they use an Islamic cause to get more men from the outside of Iraq , over the months they have stolen money from banks , And became more powerful, many men from other Islamic groups have realised this , with fear of isis they have joined them, Christians in Iraq being people of the book have a choice to pay a tax or convert , just like jews , but yazidis and other pagan groups have a choice to convert or die , the Islamic state considers them Devil worshippers because they worship the sun fire etc , if you refuse them they will kill you. Alot of people will say they are funded by zionist because they have not targeted ISRAEL yet but its only common sence that they know that ISRAEL will be hard to take down , they havent even taken over Syria and you expect them to take over ISRAEL ? stupid close minded people , israel bet syria , Egypt Lebanon and Jordan in a 6 DAY war , they cant beat the syrian army what makes you think they can beat ISRAEL s ? P.s Iran doesnt hate ISRAEL because of palestine lol they dont care about palestine, if you knew Shia islam you would know that Iran once had a persian empire , but it was destroyed by the companions of Muhammad , and that is the same reason why Shia today hate abu Bakr , umar , uthman & and khaled bin walid the same men who destroyed it , Iran uses Shia islam to spread threw the Middle East like a cancer because at the start they wanted another persian empire , and knowing arabs are weak , the only thing to stop them from controlling the Middle East today is ISRAEL
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 02:49:03 +0000

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