These last 3 weeks have been one hellva emotional ride....none of - TopicsExpress


These last 3 weeks have been one hellva emotional ride....none of us had any clue that on June 5, 2014, by 6pm of that day, all of our lives would change forever. But, for the most part, for my brother,, Bryan , it has been the most ultimate life changing event in his life. They tell us he will never walk again, nor write, and possibly never feed himself again. When the surgeon walked out of surgery on June 6th, she said he is one step above Christopher Reeves, by, this I mean, currently, he is breathing on his own, That ended a few days later, resulting in him having to go on a ventilator, since then, we have been through collapsed lungs, tubed lungs, a trek, and a diaphragm pacer installation, his stomach being ripped in the process of the installation, on the vent, off the vent, the pacer not working, and then a stage 3 bedsore, from not being turned, ...... While dealing with the everyday unknowns of what will happen today, my sis was trying to get him into Brooks Rehab, after many attempts of hurdles-- he has been approved, BUT not without stipulations--- he has to be able to mobilize in a chair for some length of time, as his physical therapy will be very very intense, his bedsore has to be downgraded to at least a 2, and his blood pressure has to stabilize to a mere normal reading---and that could be at least 2 weeks out, if not more..... He struggles daily with the fear of not being able to breathe,...eating is horrific for him, he is scared he is going to choke to death...he is scared to go to sleep at night for he fears he will quit breathing during the night. Today they installed a blow nurse call alert---which as many times as we have timed it.....still would take a good 15 to 30 minutes for a response from a his condition,...IF he is able to blow ...he might not make the response time it will take for a nurse to answer his call. My sis has put in a request for a private room, and has been told she will get it, then, she will stay with him overnight. We {the family} have agreed to allow my sis, Tammy, to make whatever arrangements are needed for his care, and during this last week, we where advised it would take more than one, we needed more ppl on board, as he would require 24 hr round the clock care. So my sis Angela & I, both quit our jobs to be on board to help assist in the everyday care Bryan will need for the rest of his life. Bryan is the father of 2 daughters that are now grown, and has 2 grandsons, and due to the fact, it will require a much bigger house to house Bryan and his equipment and all his needs, Tammy and Bryans oldest daughter will reside in the same house and attend to Bryans needs, both my sis Angela & I will return to work and help with/when we are needed, but, the primary daily care of Bryan will be in the hands of my sis Tammy and Stefanie, his daughter. He has along ways to go, but, I rest assured that Tammy & Stefanie will do everything possible to help Bryan achieve the best that he can be and to make sure his daily needs are met with undying love and care. Please keep Bryan, my sis, his daughter and our family in your prayers, as this journey begins
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 05:12:55 +0000

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