These last three years have been a crazy, up-and-down time. As - TopicsExpress


These last three years have been a crazy, up-and-down time. As much as Ive loved living in Japan and experiencing the culture and festivals and meeting some amazing people along the way, tomorrow, its time to go home. I still remember the first night I got here. Driving to base with Houston Waters and Mac. lol. Telling me to hold my breath because we were going through a tunnel. Good times. Seeing the lights from the houses and hotels on Mount Yumihari for the first time and walking into the station that first day. Since that time, Ive had great high points and terrible low points but I survived. Now, theres a new challenge ahead and plenty of people to meet and spend time with. Ill remember both good and bad but will always hold this as a positive experience. US/San Diego: Here I come! I hope youre ready because Im ready to light it up!!! This is so youll know the sound Of someone who loves you from the ground. Tonight, youre not alone at all. This is me sending out my satellite call.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 05:51:30 +0000

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