These past couple months have been wearing on me; trying my - TopicsExpress


These past couple months have been wearing on me; trying my patience and testing my dedication in the face of my own worst enemy, the voices in my head. If youll permit me, I have a few things to say that have been rattling around inside my mind and if I could just let them out, I believe it will very much help me go back to being super productive and less down on myself. I never said this would be easy but I certainly didnt understand the challenge in front of me. That being said, I welcome every single one of lifes exams on the subject of my resolve. For I have never believed in anything more than music and the amazing powers that lie within it. I know it sometimes looks easy or may seem like we werent really doing anything at all. Its hard to do what we do. To live life like this as the weight of time stacks atop these fragile bones is a testament to the human a good or bad way (or possibly both)...take that one how you will. I can tell you with honesty that it is almost never (a rare occasion indeed) my intention at the onset of any endeavor or undertaking to hurt anyone. That would be counter productive to not only the inherent purpose of what we are trying to do but more so to the people I believe we are trying to save through music (love). But things dont always pan out the way you anticipate. Things change as quickly as tactics must to follow the fluid mentality of the music scene and more so the mob. And this does spill over into non business world. For to do what we do it has to be you doing it and not some suit that can be tossed up on a hanger at the end of the day. It has to be you saying to someone that they should come out to the show and it has to be you that thanks them for coming out. Look around at what we as a collective have built and ask yourselves what is the price of a scene? The cost is paid by the unsung heroes behind the scenes: the sound engineers, stage hands, bartenders, street teamers, lighting designers, merch guys and gals, and yes, by promoters. Theres very little room for error when your driving at hundreds of memories an hour. Some of by best friendships have seen strain that would shatter other relationships. Dont drive angry on the road of life and remember that things said in jest can hurt just as much as those said in anger. Feelings get hurt and things change. Looking back over the last three years, Ive seen a lot. Ive learned a good bit more than Ive seen. And yet, most of the time, I feel as if I know nothing except one thing. And that is that this whole dream was, is and shall continue to be a great thing. For it may appear that I chose this path but Im pretty sure it was always the one I was supposed to be on. The coolest thing is started as an idea between my partner, Dave Adams and myself and has grown to be a shared dream between (to name a few) Derek Wilson, Mike White, Jeffrey Dolan, Sonya Sunnydayz, Eddie Johnston (who remain some of my closest friends) and has even surged over the brims of our collective minds into that of the local scene with each and every one of you who come out week after week after week. You make my day when I see you walk through the doors. Thank you to everyone Ive come to know since that Silo Effect w/ Moogatu show at Breakers three years ago. You remind me why we are doing this in the first place. To anyone Ive hurt along the way, I am truly sorry. Ive never claimed to not be an asshole but for what its worth, hurting you was never the aim. The music is the thing though... that makes it all worth it. So thank you music.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 15:12:51 +0000

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