These past two days, I have celebrated life in all different - TopicsExpress


These past two days, I have celebrated life in all different manners: New life still to come(#babygill for Jessy and Brian), the continuation of the lives of two of the best guys I know (early happy birthday Alex and Brian), and the second chance at life and kickin its ass for the last 6 years (congrats Kat!). It was a highly reflective weekend for me, a very hopeful one, and an inspirational one. While I play devils advocate when people say Life is short because, well, its the longest thing youll ever do, in the grand scheme of things, it is too short to waste being anything but happy and doing anything that you dont want to, that you dont love, or that doesnt contribute to your happiness. Its too easy to get stuck in the rut of doing what you do because its what youre used to or whats expected, and I am guilty of that to no end. Im at that weird crossroad where I love what Im doing and where I am, yet yearn for something more. And I keep saying Ill do it, that Ill follow my true dreams, but then fall back into the comfort of what I know. A wise man once told me Preach what you practice which is backwards of how everyone knows it, but when you think about it, ultimately makes more sense. Ive confessed to people that sometimes the posts I make here are as much to inspire and remind myself of what I believe, and not even so much posted for the masses. This is one of those times, where Im putting out into the ether what I believe and I want to start practicing what I preach so that maybe this time next year, Ill be preaching what I practice. The first step is recognizing the problem, right? So heres to taking steps to get my life on the path I want it to be, and not waiting another month to tie it to the new year, but starting tonight, right now, with this here post. And encouraging you all to do the same: make the changes you want to NOW when you know you want them, not as a traditional New Years Resolution. Celebrate life, in all forms… Life still to come, life continuing even day to day not just year to year, second chances at life, and remembering those who have passed on and the lessons they instilled in you. Because if not now, you may never get that chance. Live, love, laugh, and be happy folks
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 02:35:22 +0000

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